Anti-Depressant Drugs, Their Side Effects and Natural Remedies to Treat Depression

Anti-Depressant Drugs, Their Side Effects, and Natural Remedies to Treat Depression

There are many anti-depressant drugs in the market such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft that account for 70% of the prescriptions by physicians in the United States and around 28 million Americans have used them.

Remember that drugs always come with side effects and these anti-depressant drugs can have extremely severe side effects and can also damage your neurological health.

Please see the side effects associated with anti-depressant drugs at the end of this article.

These drugs work broadly by enhancing the serotonin activity in your brain.

Although often used in major depressive disorders they have many side effects such as

♦ low heart rate
♦ depressed respiration
♦ depressed levels of consciousness
♦ diminished levels of cognitive activity
♦ sometimes even death in children.

Also, when used over a long time, they can do structural damage to your brain due to their inherent role in the metabolism.

Therefore, the natural alternatives to antidepressant medication form one of the safest options of medication one comes across today.

Depression can be cured by one or a combination of following treatment techniques:

♦ Medication / alternative medicine
♦ Individual therapy/ psychotherapy
♦ Social support systems/ community network/ psychosocial rehabilitation
♦ Electroconvulsive therapy
♦ Natural anti-depressants

Natural alternatives to anti-depressant medication include natural anti-depressant foods, natural anti-depressant supplements and various therapies that use alternative medicines.

These are 100 % natural compounds that can form a regular part of your diet. These natural antidepressants help in maintaining a natural balance of brain chemicals to regulate optimum secretion of serotonin in your brain.

Unlike other antidepressant drugs, they act as a supplement for your diet and do not cause any severe life-threatening side effects.

Foods with Anti-depressant Compounds

Many foods have been scientifically studied to contain antidepressant-like quality due to their composition. The natural compounds in these foods act as precursors for serotonin production.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for a calming effect in your brain.

Eating regular, small and nutritious meals works as natural antidepressants and help in keeping your serotonin levels in control as well as in managing depression, the natural way.

Some of the precursors present in food are tryptophan, folic acid, and Vitamin B.

Examples of Foods with Anti-depressant compounds

✦ Walnuts

Omega 3 fatty acids present in walnuts help in elevating your mood.

✦ Dark chocolates

Cocoa and around 300 other natural compounds present in them help in boosting your spirits.

✦ Chicken and Turkey

Tryptophan and vitamin B6 present in chicken and turkey act as a precursor to serotonin and other amino acids. Selenium present in chicken and turkey help the formation of neurotransmitters.

✦ Salmon and mackerel

Omega 3 fatty acids present in them help in controlling depression.

✦ Cheddar or Swiss cheese

Tryptophan present in it helps in releasing serotonin.

✦ Spinach

The folic acid content of spinach helps in maintaining a physical and mental health to produce optimum levels of serotonin.

✦ Citrus fruits

Vitamin C present in these fruits maintain your RBC count and produce dopamine, an important neurotransmitter.

✦ Whole Wheat

Rich carbohydrate complex present in whole wheat help in the production of serotonin.

✦ Popcorn

Carbohydrates present in popcorn help in the production of serotonin in your brain.

✦ Water

Natural hydrating properties of water help in flushing out toxins from your body and maintaining a chemical balance throughout your body including the brain.

Natural Anti-depressant Supplements

1. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

This herbal antidepressant has been used as a medicine to treat depression for many decades. It has been clinically tested and has been proven effective in mild to moderate depression states. It has fewer side effects than many prescription drugs.

2. 5 hydroxy tryptophan (5HTP)

It is believed to be a supplement precursor to increase levels of serotonin. It has also given comparative results of prescriptive medicine but lesser side effects.

Role of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Depression

Many clinical studies of depression have conclusively linked depression with low dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids. The group of fatty acids is responsible for normal brain function and membrane structures.

Scientific research from Clinical Infectious Diseases (2011), American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and more than a dozen universitites has established that depression is often associated with high levels of omega 6 fatty acids (Arachidonic acid) and low levels of omega 3 fatty acids.

In such patients, increasing the levels of omega 3 fatty acids helps in obtaining a balance of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids to optimum levels.

To better control depression and improve brain health, aim for the ideal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 in the body, which should be at least 1: 1 to 4:1.

Side effects of anti-depressant drugs

✪ Physical symptoms.

Some patients taking anti-depressants develop

✧ insomnia
✧ skin rashes
✧ headaches
✧ joint and muscle pain
✧ stomach upset
✧ nausea
✧ diarrhea

These problems are usually temporary or mild or both. A more serious potential problem is reduced blood clotting capacity because of a decreased concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin in platelets.

Patients are at increased risk for stomach or uterine bleeding, and are more likely to require a blood transfusion during or after surgery.

This risk is about the same as the risk of bleeding with NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen). If patients use SSRIs and NSAIDs at the same time, the risk more than doubles, so they must be combined with care.

✪ Involuntary movements.

These include

✧ tics
✧ muscle spasms
✧ dyskinesia (repetitive muscle movements)
✧ parkinsonism (rigid and trembling limbs, a shuffling gait, loss of fine motor control)
✧ akathisia (compulsive restlessness)
✧ any of which may be accompanied by severe anxiety.

Though rare, these symptoms are more likely in the elderly and in patients taking fluoxetine and citalopram, the drugs that remain longest in the body.


Food, Sex and Love for Men

Food, Sex and Love for Men

aph-ro-di-si-ac :

noun; 1. An agent (as a food or drug) that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire; 2. Something that excites. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2010)

An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire.

The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexuality and love. Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable.

♥ Some people believe that aphrodisiac foods, such as bananas, oranges or oysters, gain their powers and reputation through their resemblance to sexual body parts. 

♥  The same factor explains the trade in the phallic-looking horn of the rhinoceros.

♥  The magic of alcohol, especially champagnes and wines can best be attributed to their ability to lower one's inhibitions.

♥ Other animal-based aphrodisiacs gain their reputation from the apparent virility or aggressiveness of the animal source, such as tiger penis.

♥ And then there are other foods, such as chocolate, that just make us feel good.

In some cases it can be attributed to certain chemicals they release in our bodies, as chocolate has been proven to do. In others, it is that they excite many of our senses through a combination of taste, texture and appearance, and marketed to the masses on romantic holidays such as Valentine’s Day.

Scientifically speaking, testosterone and libido are clearly linked to levels of sex hormones in men, particularly testosterone. When a reduced sex drive occurs in individuals with relatively low levels of testosterone (e.g., post-menopausal women or men over age 60, testosterone supplements often increase libido.

Universally speaking, the belief that certain food and beverages have mystical properties that create sexual attraction between two people. Every culture has its own unique magical foods. In America, chocolate, oysters, and champagne lead the pack of favorite aphrodisiacs. But whether it's something inherent in the food or the power of the mind believing in the food's qualities is something science has been unable to prove conclusively.

In fact, many foods considered to be aphrodisiacs are really everyday items. Almost everyone, young, old, single or married, eats bananas. But bananas in a brown paper lunch sack most likely do not have the same powers to seduce, as a sweet, buttery, Banana Crème Pie does when served at the end of a romantic, candlelight dinner for two. That is exactly why context is so important, and maybe even more so than the foods themselves.

If you are setting the mood with romantic sexy colors, flowers, soft music, a bottle of wine, and candles, even a hamburger could become an aphrodisiac! Scientific tests have proven that some aromas can cause a greater effect on the body than the actual ingestion of foods.

Let’s look into the top love foods for men that have been used through the ages and act as aphrodisiacs.

♥ Alcohol

lowers inhibitions and increases confidence; however, over-indulgence has a sedative effect not conducive to a romantic tryst.

♥ Asparagus

three courses of asparagus were served to 19th-century bridegrooms due to its reputed aphrodisiac powers.

♥ Banana

due not only to its shape, but also its creamy, lush texture, some studies show its enzyme bromelain enhances male performance. The sap of the red banana is considered an aphrodisiac in Central America

♥ Caviar

is high in zinc, which stimulates the formation of testosterone, maintaining male functionality.

♥ Champagne

viewed as the "drink of love," moderate quantities lower inhibitions and cause a warm glow in the body.

♥ Chocolate

contains both a sedative which relaxes and lowers inhibitions and a stimulant to increase activity and the desire for physical contact. It was actually banned from some monasteries centuries ago.

♥ Figs

seasonal crops were celebrated by ancient Greeks in a frenzied copulation ritual.

♥ Ginseng

increases the desire for physical contact.

♥ Perfumes

made of natural foodstuffs such as almond, vanilla, and other herbs and spices act as a pheromone to communicate emotions by smell.

♥ Puffer Fish

considered both a delicacy and an aphrodisiac in Japan. If the poisonous gland is not properly removed, the tiniest taste is deadly. The flirt with death is said to give a sexual thrill. Not recommended.

♥ Oysters

Some oysters repeatedly change their sex from male to female and back, giving rise to claims that the oyster lets one experience the masculine and feminine sides of love.

♥ Radish

considered a divine aphrodisiac by Egyptian pharaohs, most likely because its spicy taste stimulated the palate.

♥ Truffles

probably due to its rarity and musky aroma, it has long been considered to arouse the palate and the body. To sustain his masculinity, an ancient lover in lore was said to have gorged himself to death on Alba truffles during the wedding feast.

Please note

Anti-erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra and Levitra, are not considered aphrodisiacs because they do not have any direct effect on the libido, although increased ability to attain an erection may be interpreted as increased sexual arousal by users of these drugs.

Happiness Enhancing Strategies

Happiness Enhancing Strategies

These are 12 researched strategies for sustainable happiness adaptation written by Sonja Lyubomirsky as published in the Scientific Approach to Getting the Life you Want The How of Happiness (Penguin 2007).

1. Count your blessings

Express gratitude for what you have, through contemplation, journaling or verbally sharing your appreciation for others.

2. Cultivate Optimism

Keep a journal and write about the best possible future for yourself.

3. Avoid overthinking and social comparison.

Minimize dwelling on problems and comparing yourself to others.

4. Practice acts of kindness for friends or strangers, directly or anonymously, spontaneously or in a planned way.

5. Develop nurturing relationships.

Choose a relationship in need of strengthening and invest time and energy in healing, affirming and enjoying it.

6. Do more activities that truly engage you.

Increase the number of experiences at home and at work in which you "lose" yourself.

7. Replay and savor life's joys through thinking about them, writing, drawing or sharing them with others.

8. Commit to your goals.

Select several significant, meaningful goals and devote time and effort to pursuing them.

9. Develop strategies for coping with stress, hardship or trauma.

10. Learn to forgive.

Keep a journal or write a letter to let go of anger and resentment.

11. Practice religion and spirituality.

12. Take care of your body by engaging in physical activity, meditating, and smiling and laughing.

10 Ways to Kick Start a Change

10 Ways to Kick-Start a Change 


Take a positive attitude and try to ingrain some short and simple habits into your daily routine: 

 1. Buy the ‘healthiest’ foods at the grocery store

I don’t mean buy the most expensive food. Buy the healthiest.

Don’t look at the price. You won’t notice at the check-out counter. All the stress happens at the point of decision. Know that your body will feel better in the long run.

2. Try a healthy smoothie for breakfast

Kick the day off right with healthy raw veggies, quality proteins, and natural fats. In 20 minutes, every cell in the body will have benefited from the good-for-you energy.

Try shifting the habit from coffee first thing in the morning for a liquid drink made with fiber and vitamin rich smoothie. Save your black coffee for pre-workout.

 3. Earn your indulgences

If you plan on going ‘off the rails’ with your diet (which I don’t recommend), then at least earn it by doing some moderate physical activity.

 4. Gather all your artificial air fresheners and through them out: ALL OF THEM!

Better yet, look for these toxic products from your home and seek natural replacements to them. These toxins are poisoning you and your family.

1. Non-Stick Cookware

2. Flea and Tick Products

3. Mothballs

4. Air Fresheners

5. Oven Cleaner

6. Furniture Polish and Stain

7. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

8. Gas Space Heaters

9. Cleaning Solutions

10. Extension Cords

11. Antibacterial Soaps

12. Flaking Paint

13. Flame Retardants

 5. Black out your bedroom

Even minimal light can sabotage your sleep. Rejuvenate this weekend. Your body needs it!

6. Slow down and breathe

Our generation is arguably the most stressed in history. Stress will catch up to us. Put things in perspective, stop and breath. Make it an event. Cut the pattern of stress.

7. Guilty until proven innocent

Until GMO foods are proven safe in the long term, avoid them! Why the hell would you put something in your mouth if it could possibly be a time-bomb?

 8. Toss those synthetic creams

How many times have you put on a cream to deal with pain and swelling?

This is obvious proof that our skin absorbs certain chemicals. So, in general, only put organic and preferably food grade products on your body.

 9. Stop rationalizing inaction

Make a definitive decision to stop the pattern of ignorance! You’re only fooling yourself.

The average Canadian will spend the last 10 years of their lives with the disease. Don’t be THAT statistic. Ten years of feeling like you have the flu is a shitty way to embrace aging.

 10. Get involved and BE the movement!

Big things are coming for Ikkuma and our primary motivation is to transform a generation – to effectively change a generation’s health trajectory forever.

Stay tuned. We’ll show you how – in 8 weeks – you can rewrite your future! 

Life is a game of numbers. Put the numbers in your favor and kick some ass! Start this weekend.
By: The Ikkuma Guru, Gary LeBlanc

Gary LeBlanc is the co-founder of the company Ikkuma Inc. – specializing in holistically oriented consumer products – a certified coach practitioner, personal trainer and most recently a published author, with his book titled “Ikkuma: Evolution of Vitality”.  A previous Vice President for a top tier company and perpetual health & fitness advocate, Gary has spent the better part of 20 years researching the latest diet, health and fitness trends. When a close friend got diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago, Gary realized health & wellness was more than an interest, so it became his passion.  He now divides his time between running Ikkuma Inc., coaching at Innate Wellness, consulting and practicing what he preaches with abundant VITALITY!!

They also just came up with an incredible drink that helps to cancel out noise.

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