5 Secrets for Flat Abs

5 Secrets for Flat Abs

Wish your stomach was flatter and more toned?  Exercise alone will not get you a toned stomach—diet is a huge part of the equation.

Here are 5 ways to improve your eating habits that will dramatically flatten your abs:

Flat Abs Secret #1: Enjoy natural sweets

berries bowl breakfast

Traditional sugar-filled sweets will quickly add up around your waistline. Instead of going for sugary sweets, enjoy natural sweets.

Fruit is nature’s candy. Reach for sweet, seasonal fruit for dessert.

Avoid foods that contain white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Consider these items ‘anti-flat-abs’.

Use wholesome sweeteners such as pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup or dates in your recipes instead of white sugar. Eliminate white sugar from your kitchen.

Flat Abs Secret #2: Don’t eat after 6pm

This is such a simple and effective way to lose fat. Late night eating is the most damaging to your waistline, so cut it out completely.

Brush your teeth immediately following dinner. Once your teeth are brushed, you’ve put a period to the consumption for the day.

Change your evening routine. If you’ve always ended your day watching your favorite shows with your hand in the snack bowl, then now is the time to change things up. Find activities that don’t revolve around food and stick with those.

Make it a habit. The first few weeks will be the hardest, but soon your new no-food-after-6pm routine will feel normal.

Flat Abs Secret #3: Eat more fiber

Most people simply do not get enough fiber in their diets. Fiber is essential when it comes to getting lean since it is low calorie while filling you up.

Instead of seeing salad just as a side item, make salads into meals. Add protein to a large pile of greens for a guiltless meal. Try this recipe for Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad below.

Make veggies a part of every meal. The benefits of eating more vegetables are too numerous to list, just know that your body will become healthier and leaner with each fibrous bite.

Fruits are a delicious source of fiber. Incorporate fresh, seasonal fruits into your daily diet.

Flat Abs Secret #4: Cut back on carbs

Notice I didn’t say to cut out all carbs, but rather to cut back on carbs. These diet tweaks are meant as lifestyle changes that you stick with long term. Cutting back on carbs is a realistic and very effective way to drop fat.

Always choose whole grain bread and pasta over white. Whole grains are less likely to be stored as fat than processed grains.

Eat half of the carbs you normally do. Eat your sandwich open-faced and reduce the size of your pasta serving.

Avoid carb-filled snacks between meals. Instead of crackers or chips, have fresh fruit and veggies.

Flat Abs Secret #5: Drink tons of water

Drinking plenty of water is another extremely simple way to promote fat loss. Chronic dehydration leads to false hunger signals and unnecessary calorie consumption.

Drink a large glass of water before each meal. This will prevent overeating.

Choose water instead of sugar-filled sodas and juices. Sugar-filled drinks are a huge weight-gain trap.

Carry a water bottle with you throughout your day. Keep water in the car and at your desk for constant hydration.

Eating right, coupled with challenging exercise, is the formula for a toned, lean body —so guarantee your results by teaming up with me.

Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals.

For more information, please contact fitness expert James Hazen at JamesaHazen@gmail.com

A Five-Minute Guide to Keeping Your Lungs Healthy

A Five-Minute Guide to Keeping Your Lungs Healthy


You probably know that your lungs enable you to breathe, bringing oxygen into your body and removing carbon dioxide. However, you might be less familiar with common habits and toxins that make it more difficult for them to do their job.


That includes irritants like smoke and viruses that cause respiratory conditions. Healthy lungs use mucus as a protective barrier, but when lungs are damaged, they can become clogged by thick and excessive mucus that’s difficult to remove.


Learn how to reduce inflammation and increase your lung capacity. Take a look at these practical suggestions for keeping your respiratory system in top shape.


Healthy Lung Habits for Your Body:


  1. Quit smoking. Using tobacco narrows air passages and causes cancer. Keep trying until you quit for good. Nicotine replacement may help.
  2. Work out. Physical exercise conditions your lungs in addition to many other benefits. Your body develops the ability to use oxygen more efficiently.
  3. Train your breath. Maximize your inhalations and exhalations. Yoga videos and books can teach you how to replace shallow chest breathing with more effective techniques reaching down into your diaphragm.
  4. Wash your hands. Reduce the risk of infections by scrubbing your hands frequently. Use soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds.
  5. Brush your teeth. Oral hygiene counts too. Floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove germs before they have a chance to travel to your lungs.
  6. Drink water. The conventional wisdom about drinking fluids for a cold is correct. Water and tea will help to thin your mucus while you’re ill and after you’ve recovered.
  7. Eat well. While there are no magic foods, there is some evidence to support the idea of an anti-inflammatory diet. Enjoy smart choices like leafy greens, beans, ginger, and garlic.
  8. Inhale steam. Warm moist air can loosen mucus in your upper airways. Cover your head with a towel and lean over a bowl of boiling water for quick relief when you feel congested.
  9. Try percussion. Tapping on the chest or back may also clear away mucus. A physical therapist can do it for you or give you instructions on how to try it at home.
  10. See your doctor. Many respiratory conditions have no obvious symptoms in the early stages so regular checkups are essential. Your doctor can also advise you on how to exercise safely if you’ve already been diagnosed.


Healthy Lung Habits for Your Surroundings:


  1. Test for radon. This invisible and odorless gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer. You can test for it in your home with a simple kit from your local hardware store.
  2. Clean house. Other common sources of indoor air pollution include dust, mold, and water damage. Proper cleaning and ventilation help, so pay close attention to your carpets, appliances, and heating and air conditioning systems.
  3. Monitor air quality. When you’re checking the daily weather forecast, note the Air Quality Index number. A reading over 100 can be unhealthy for sensitive groups, and readings over 150 can pose risks for anyone. Limit your time outdoors on those days.
  4. Avoid crowds. Large gatherings can spread infections, especially when guests are packed close together in a confined area. Pay attention to health advisories if you’re planning a wedding or have tickets to a music festival.
  5. Take sick days. Stay home when you have a fever or other flu symptoms. You’ll recover faster with adequate rest, and you’ll be less likely to infect others.


There are many things you can do to protect your lungs. That includes quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and following your doctor’s recommendations. Taking care of your respiratory system will increase your chances for leading a longer and more active life.

How to Identify and Address Food Allergies and Chronic Infections

How to Identify and Address Food Allergies and Chronic (or hidden) Infections That May be Causing You Pain

If you suffer from chronic pain or inflammation, you’re not alone.

It is estimated that 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and the average cost of treatment is nearly $600 billion! Yes, billion…that’s a ton of medicine, a ton of money, and way too many Americans dealing with a reduced quality of life.

But, what if there were two things you could do to help reduce your level of pain, would you try it?

If you answered yes, then read on!

Food allergies and sensitivities, and hidden infections can all cause chronic pain.

Addressing these health issues can make a big difference in the level of pain you experience every day, and improve your overall quality of life.

Let’s start by talking about what food allergies and hidden infections do to the body.

Food allergies and sensitivities are have become more present as the foods we are consuming today have become less close to what our bodies recognize as food.

Gluten, wheat, corn, and soy are all crops that have been significantly genetically modified over the years, making it very difficult for our bodies to process them. This can lead to inflammation, food sensitivities, and even food allergies.

When we consume foods that our bodies cannot recognize, the body will mount an attack on this food and start creating antibodies. This is a recipe for long-term food allergy and sensitivity issues if the foods are not removed from the diet.

Many people are become allergic or sensitive to dairy and gluten and don’t know it. These are some of the most allergenic foods for people. When it comes to dairy, lactose intolerance could be the cause or a full-blown dairy allergy could be present.

However, dairy poses another issue because of the hormone and antibiotics present in conventional milk. The antibiotics will throw our digestive health out of balance, and the added hormones can cause endocrine disruption.

Food allergies or sensitivities that aren’t addressed, can lead to chronic pain.

Consuming foods that don’t sit well with your body can lead to inflammation, which will then result in pain.

It will also cause an imbalance in your gut flora, and with an imbalanced gut, comes imbalanced health, since your gut is central to your overall health. Consuming foods we react to is a sure-fire way to trigger digestive inflammation and upset.

Chronic or hidden infections can also trigger chronic pain.

The issue with certain infections is that you may not even know that you have one. Many of these are linked to the gut. Things like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) candida, parasites, and leaky gut can all lead to inflammation in the body, and as you’ve learned.. inflammation eventually equals pain.

Many people suffer from these infections without knowing, because they can be difficult to diagnose. However, being aware of the signs and symptoms can help you uncover whether you believe you are suffering from a chronic or hidden infection, and then take the steps to get that infection under control.

Whew, that’s a lot of information.

But, don’t worry, here are the signs and symptoms of food allergies and sensitivities, and steps you can take to start addressing them today.

Signs & Symptoms of Food Allergies

Food allergies and sensitivities are different, but both can lead to inflammation and pain.

A true food allergy will cause an immune system reaction that can cause issues with different organs in the body. Some allergic reactions can even be life-threatening.

A food sensitivity or a food intolerance is normally less serious than a food allergy, but they can still cause inflammation and digestive health issues. Remember.. with an imbalance in gut health, comes an imbalance in overall health, so removing foods you may be reacting to is essential.

The common signs of a food allergy include:

⚙ Hives
⚙ Rash
⚙ Difficulty breathing
⚙ Persistent cough
⚙ Swelling of the tongue
⚙ Weak pulse
⚙ Dizziness
⚙ Pale or blue coloring of the skin
⚙ Anaphylaxis shock in serious cases
⚙ Vomiting or gastrointestinal distress

Signs of a food sensitivity include:

⚙ Gastrointestinal distress
⚙ Skin reactions such as eczema or rashes
⚙ Fatigue
⚙ Irritability
⚙ Brain fog
⚙ Unexplained weight changes
⚙ Joint pain

How to Address Food Allergies & Sensitivities

If you suspect that you have a true food allergy, it is so important to completely remove this food from your diet. Food allergies can be diagnosed through skin prick testing or blood work. Avoidance is the only way to address a food allergy.

In terms of food sensitivity, it is best to start with an elimination diet.

Eliminate the foods you believe you are reacting to for at least two weeks, and then reintroduce one food at a time. If you react to a food upon reintroduction, that’s a good indication that you are sensitive to that food.

Keep in mind that many people do not tolerate gluten, soy, corn, or dairy as these can be very inflammatory. If you do reintroduce dairy into your diet, opt for organic, grass-fed dairy products to avoid steroid, hormone, and antibiotic exposure which can further inflame the body and cause more pain.

Signs & Symptoms of Chronic or Hidden Infections

When it comes to hidden infections, and particularly hidden infections related to the gut, you will want to watch out for the following symptoms.

❧ Oral thrush
❧ Constipation or diarrhea
❧ Abdominal pain or cramping
❧ Loss of appetite
❧ Nausea and vomiting
❧ Diarrhea
❧ Blood in the stool
❧ Weight gain or weight loss

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms that are not relieved by addressing food allergies or sensitivities, it may be time to work with a holistic health practitioner to run testing to determine if a gut infection is present. Removing the infection can be a huge step in reducing the amount of pain you may be experiencing each day.

If you suffer from chronic pain, it may seem like anything you do just doesn’t make it any better. However, there are so many steps you can take! Addressing diet, and removing foods that simply don’t work for your body is a huge step in the right direction.

Start by eliminating these reactive foods, and see how your body feels.

On top of that, consider supplementing with a high-quality probiotic, and curcumin supplement. Both of which can help support gut health and help fight inflammation.

You should start feeling like a new you in just 60-90 days!

Stop Worry in 7 Steps

Stop Worry in 7 Steps


Think about how much time you spend worrying each day. Has any of that worrying ever accomplished anything positive in your life?


Imagine what you could do with all of that time and energy. Imagine how much happier and comfortable you would be if you could minimize the amount of time you spend worrying each day.


Worrying is a habit that we believe is helpful in some way, but it's easy to see that worrying only has a negative effect.


Worry less and live more with these strategies:


  1. Put your worries in perspective. Think of the big picture. According to scientists, there are around 100 million billion stars in the universe. That’s 100,000,000,000,000,000 suns. Most of those stars are believed to have one or more planets revolving around them. That’s a lot of planets.
  1. Expect good things to happen. You can’t worry if you expect a positive outcome. When you assume things will turn out poorly, it’s natural to worry. Be as prepared for the worst as you can but be optimistic. Your worry isn’t going to change anything.
  2. Understand what is and isn’t under your control. We spend a lot of time worrying about things we can’t change. What’s the point? Do what you can to mitigate your risk and then see what happens. Let go of the things you can’t control.
  1. Stay grounded in the present moment. Pay attention to what you’re doing right now. Avoid thinking about tomorrow. Make the best use of your time each moment and the future will take care of itself.
  2. Have gratitude. When you realize how much you have and how lucky you are, the future isn’t as scary. Remind yourself of how good your life is already. You’ll worry less.
  1. Avoid isolating yourself. Life is harder to manage all alone. It’s not reasonable to assume you can do everything by yourself. It’s also less stressful to have a few friends in your corner. Avoid isolating yourself just because you’re stressed. Your stress will only increase. Stay in touch with others.
  2. Remind yourself of your past worries. You’ve worried about a lot of things over the course of your life. How many of them actually came true? Of those that did, how bad was it? You’ll likely discover that most of your worry was inaccurate.


Any time spent worrying is wasted time. If there's something you can do to resolve the situation, just fix it. Life is short and worrying detracts greatly from life. Work to minimize the amount of time you spend worrying each day. You'll enjoy life more and be more successful.

Healthy Aging and Improved Longevity

Healthy Aging and Improved Longevity

Leaving behind the bright years of youth and entering a quieter, more mature phase in life often prompts the question: How can I preserve my youth and extend my life?

For answers to this question, we might consult the teachings of Li Qing Yun. 

According to the 1933 obituary for Li Qing Yun in Time Magazine, he lived from 1736 until 1933. While this improbably long lifespan has become the stuff of legend, for arguments' sake, let us acknowledge that this man managed to live to a ripe old age.

How did he live so long?

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine provide guidance to understand what Li Qing Yun found essential to leading a long and healthy life. Let us examine the meaning behind his response when asked about his longevity:

"Keep a quiet heart,
sit like a tortoise,
walk sprightly like a pigeon,
and sleep like a dog."

❦ Nurture Your Emotional Health by Keeping a Quiet Heart

What does it mean to "keep a quiet heart" from the perspective of acupuncture and Oriental medicine?

The energy of the heart organ system is related to the element of fire.

Fires can burn out of control, just as emotions can. Unchecked emotions and stress directly affect the heart. Common signs relating to disharmony of the heart include palpitations, insomnia, and general anxiety.

When the heart is in balance, joy is the natural state, and intimate relationships happen with ease. A person with a balanced, quiet heart can live a longer life than one whose heart is in a state of disharmony.

How can acupuncture and Oriental medicine help you achieve a "quiet heart" for improved health and longer life?

The point Pericardium 6, known as Neiguan or Inner Pass, can provide relief from anxiety, seasickness, nausea, and light-headedness. You can use acupressure by pressing on this point to calm anxiety and reduce nausea.

Turn your wrist palm-side up and starting at the wrist crease, find the two tendons in the center of your arm. Once you find them, place three fingers down starting from the wrist crease. At the other end of your three fingers lies the point.

Press firmly with the thumb until you feel relief.

❦ Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Awareness by Sitting Like a Tortoise

Meditation is of primary importance to health and longevity. Sitting and meditating as a daily practice is, effectively, sitting like a tortoise. A quiet, yet active practice, meditation requires mental stamina and strong willpower and cultivates self-awareness.

By sitting for daily meditation practice, you can better let go of fears and accept the inevitable changes which occur internally as you age, and also in the outside world. The acceptance you gain through meditation includes the acceptance of your own mortality.

The kidney organ system is associated with willpower and the emotion of fear. Through meditation, you can cultivate the willpower required to sit still, and also develop the personal strength of will necessary to confront the ceaseless thoughts and emotions of the mind. Because the kidney system relates to fear, one of the best ways to strengthen it is to successfully confront your fears and work through them.

As we grow older we see signs of declining kidney energy or deficient kidney Qi. In Oriental medicine, Qi refers to the life energy that flows through your body.

Sometimes this life energy, or Qi, can become stuck or deficient in certain areas. Some of the more common signs of deficient kidney Qi include weak lower back muscles and knees, deafness, incontinence, and forgetfulness--conditions that are often associated with aging.

❦ Increase Vitality by Walking Spritely like a Pigeon

What does it mean to "walk spritely like a pigeon"?

The spirited gait of a pigeon gives the impression of vitality. The pigeon is very aware of its environment and ready to move or fly at a moment's notice. The spritely quality of the pigeon's mobility represents the energy of the liver organ system.

The force a seed needs to sprout and break through the earth as it grows in the spring is a great analogy for the energy of the liver system as spring brings about new growth and new life.

From an acupuncture and Oriental medicine perspective, for greater vitality, you need a healthy liver system. It is believed that any situation that constrains or frustrates a person will consequently injure the person's liver. In order for an aging person to remain healthy and creative, the body and mind must stay active. You must engage in new activities so that creativity and curiosity can flow freely and easily as you move through life.

❦ Release Worries and Restore Energy by Sleeping like a Dog

What does it mean to "sleep like a dog"?

A dog falls asleep easily and sleeps very deeply, awaking fully restored. Regular, restorative sleep is a key to feeling young, healthy and vital. In order to sleep deeply and easily like a dog, the body and mind must willingly power down.

It can be very challenging in today's busy world to let go of your daily worries and thoughts in order to sink into deep, restorative sleep. Therapies are available to help address sleep issues you may be experiencing so you can get better rest.

Make a point of going to bed early and waking early to help regulate your sleep schedule. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine consider every hour of sleep you get before midnight to count double. So, try to go to bed as early as possible, and make sure the room where you sleep is quiet and serene to improve your chances of sleeping deeply.

If your sleep is peaceful and you wake feeling refreshed, this indicates your heart is balanced, your kidneys are strong and your liver energy flows freely. The more nights you have during which you sleep like a dog, the younger you will look and feel.

A healthy mind and body need not decline with age. Prevention of age-related cognitive and physical issues involves safeguarding the yin, yang, and jing (adrenals, hormone balance, and genetic endowments) throughout your lifespan by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, avoiding toxins, keeping harmony in your environment and relationships, and maintaining balanced activity and rest. 


For more information, please contact Dr. Anna at MoveYourQi.com