Food, Sex and Love for Men

Food, Sex and Love for Men

aph-ro-di-si-ac :

noun; 1. An agent (as a food or drug) that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire; 2. Something that excites. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2010)

An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire.

The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexuality and love. Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable.

♥ Some people believe that aphrodisiac foods, such as bananas, oranges or oysters, gain their powers and reputation through their resemblance to sexual body parts. 

♥  The same factor explains the trade in the phallic-looking horn of the rhinoceros.

♥  The magic of alcohol, especially champagnes and wines can best be attributed to their ability to lower one's inhibitions.

♥ Other animal-based aphrodisiacs gain their reputation from the apparent virility or aggressiveness of the animal source, such as tiger penis.

♥ And then there are other foods, such as chocolate, that just make us feel good.

In some cases it can be attributed to certain chemicals they release in our bodies, as chocolate has been proven to do. In others, it is that they excite many of our senses through a combination of taste, texture and appearance, and marketed to the masses on romantic holidays such as Valentine’s Day.

Scientifically speaking, testosterone and libido are clearly linked to levels of sex hormones in men, particularly testosterone. When a reduced sex drive occurs in individuals with relatively low levels of testosterone (e.g., post-menopausal women or men over age 60, testosterone supplements often increase libido.

Universally speaking, the belief that certain food and beverages have mystical properties that create sexual attraction between two people. Every culture has its own unique magical foods. In America, chocolate, oysters, and champagne lead the pack of favorite aphrodisiacs. But whether it's something inherent in the food or the power of the mind believing in the food's qualities is something science has been unable to prove conclusively.

In fact, many foods considered to be aphrodisiacs are really everyday items. Almost everyone, young, old, single or married, eats bananas. But bananas in a brown paper lunch sack most likely do not have the same powers to seduce, as a sweet, buttery, Banana Crème Pie does when served at the end of a romantic, candlelight dinner for two. That is exactly why context is so important, and maybe even more so than the foods themselves.

If you are setting the mood with romantic sexy colors, flowers, soft music, a bottle of wine, and candles, even a hamburger could become an aphrodisiac! Scientific tests have proven that some aromas can cause a greater effect on the body than the actual ingestion of foods.

Let’s look into the top love foods for men that have been used through the ages and act as aphrodisiacs.

♥ Alcohol

lowers inhibitions and increases confidence; however, over-indulgence has a sedative effect not conducive to a romantic tryst.

♥ Asparagus

three courses of asparagus were served to 19th-century bridegrooms due to its reputed aphrodisiac powers.

♥ Banana

due not only to its shape, but also its creamy, lush texture, some studies show its enzyme bromelain enhances male performance. The sap of the red banana is considered an aphrodisiac in Central America

♥ Caviar

is high in zinc, which stimulates the formation of testosterone, maintaining male functionality.

♥ Champagne

viewed as the "drink of love," moderate quantities lower inhibitions and cause a warm glow in the body.

♥ Chocolate

contains both a sedative which relaxes and lowers inhibitions and a stimulant to increase activity and the desire for physical contact. It was actually banned from some monasteries centuries ago.

♥ Figs

seasonal crops were celebrated by ancient Greeks in a frenzied copulation ritual.

♥ Ginseng

increases the desire for physical contact.

♥ Perfumes

made of natural foodstuffs such as almond, vanilla, and other herbs and spices act as a pheromone to communicate emotions by smell.

♥ Puffer Fish

considered both a delicacy and an aphrodisiac in Japan. If the poisonous gland is not properly removed, the tiniest taste is deadly. The flirt with death is said to give a sexual thrill. Not recommended.

♥ Oysters

Some oysters repeatedly change their sex from male to female and back, giving rise to claims that the oyster lets one experience the masculine and feminine sides of love.

♥ Radish

considered a divine aphrodisiac by Egyptian pharaohs, most likely because its spicy taste stimulated the palate.

♥ Truffles

probably due to its rarity and musky aroma, it has long been considered to arouse the palate and the body. To sustain his masculinity, an ancient lover in lore was said to have gorged himself to death on Alba truffles during the wedding feast.

Please note

Anti-erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra and Levitra, are not considered aphrodisiacs because they do not have any direct effect on the libido, although increased ability to attain an erection may be interpreted as increased sexual arousal by users of these drugs.

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

When the body eats foods, the digestive and metabolic processes transforms the eaten matter into residue that is left behind that is either acidic or alkaline. Using science to explain this phenomenon (and the laws of modern biochemistry), it is not the organic matter of foods (whether the food itself is acidic or alkaline), but their inorganic matter (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorous; that is, how they break down in our bodies), that determines either the acidity or alkalinity of this ashy residue. Being too acidic promotes disease, chronic ailments, cancer and other health complications. Intentional alkalizing of the body blood and other fluids optimizes healthy organ and system functioning, free of ailments. Factors that leave our bodies acidic include environmental pollutants, acid-forming foods like processed sugars and foods, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meats and dairy, hidden genetically modified organisms (GMOs), psychological and emotional stress, synthetic and pharmaceutical drugs and physical body stress. Consider the following lists to be the nutrition bible of top alkalizing and acidic foods to eat and avoid for optimum health functioning, free of chronic disease.

Most Alkalizing (Eat Most)

Himalayan salt, grasses, cucumber, kale, spinach, parsley, sea kelp, sprouts (soy, alfalfa), sea vegetables, green drinks without sweet fruits, all sprouted beans, ph 9.5 alkaline water (less than 8 hours old).

Moderately Alkaline

Avocado, beetroot, basil, capsicum/pepper, cabbage, celery, chives, collard greens, spring greens, coriander, endive, garlic, ginger, green beans, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onion, radish, red onion, rocket/arugula, tomato, lemon, lime, butter beans, soy beans, white haricot beans, chia/sabja seeds, quinoa.

Mildly Alkaline

Artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrot, zucchini, leeks, new baby potatoes, peas, pumpkin, swede, squash (butternut/summer), watercress, grapefruit, coconut, pomegranate, rhubarb, buckwheat, lentils, tofu, goat milk, almond milk, herbs and spices (thyme, mint, ginger, cumin), avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, udo’s oil.

Neutral/Mildly Acidic (Eat Moderately)

Black beans, chickpeas, garbanzos beans, kidney beans, seitan, cantaloupe, fresh dates, nectarine, plum, sweet cherries, watermelon, millet, oats, oatmeal, spelt, soybeans, buckwheat pasta, couscous, brown rice, freshwater wild fish, rice and soy milk, rice/soy/hemp protein, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, brazil nuts, pecan nuts, hazel nuts.

Moderately Acid (Eat Less)

Fresh and natural fruit juices, ketchup, mayonnaise, butter, apple, apricot, banana, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, grapes, guava, mango, mangosteen, orange, peach, papaya, strawberry, goat’s cheese, vegan cheese, rye bread, wheat, whole meal bread, wild rice, wholemeal pasta, ocean fish.

Highly Acid (Avoid or Eat Sparingly)

Alcohol, coffee, black tea, fruit juice (sweetened), cocoa, honey, jam, jelly, mustard, miso, rice syrup, soy sauce, vinegar, yeast, dried fruit, beef, chicken, eggs, farmed fish, pork, shellfish, cheese, dairy, artificial sweeteners, syrup, mushroom. ” (Source: Energise For great website that has a lot of information on how to eat, what to eat when living an alkaline lifestyle. They have this list downloadable for free!)

Additional Explanations:

Lemons and Warm Water

I start every morning with a cup of warm alkaline water and 1 lemon, taken on an empty stomach with my probiotic and 2 colostrum capsules. Lemons (of all the non-dark leafy greens)- just like pineapple- leave a highly alkalizing residue in the body once it is digested. It is also a natural disinfectant, can heal wounds, and provides potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote detoxification (source: Natural News).

Juice and Drink Your Greens

Next I juice greens taken from the “Highly Alkaline” list. Most of these greens are dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard, celery, cucumber, parsley) with ginger and lemon. Consumed about 1 hour after the lemon water and probiotics, this will reset your system and put your body in an alkaline state.

Eat Raw or Lightly Steamed Greens 

I eat raw or lightly steamed cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or other leafy greens and eat that (2 times per day) with sea vegetables and sea weed and extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin coconut oil. I sprout quinoa and have that on the side with sauerkraut if I need additional carbohydrates.

The dark leafy greens are known for its rich vitamin K and folate content. They are packed with phytochemicals and micronutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, and powerhouses to key antioxidants that boost immunity and fiber for colon health and for optimal digestion health.

Add Garlic and Cayenne Peppers

If you are feeling a little taxed and need additional pick-me-up and immunity boosting, add garlic (it promotes cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and fighting off disease) and cayenne peppers (capsicum), a great endocrine normalizing food. It has great antibacterial properties, is rich in vitamin A and is a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals that lead to stress and illness.

Why Being in a Relationship May Be Making You FAT

Why Being in a Relationship May Be Making You FAT: Social Eating, Relationships and Weight Gain

Did you know that the average person will gain up to 7 pounds in the first year of a new relationship, and couples in a relationship will gain 21 pounds each after 10 years of matrimony? That is what a study published in the journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine discovered. In fact, research across several different countries attributed the relationship weight gain to emotional stability and spending less time exercising due to lack of time. As statistics and polls reveal, year after year, when people are in relationships, (especially new and happy ones), they tend to eat meals out more often and have trips to the cinema or movie nights at home regularly, so it’s easy to see how the pounds can creep on.

According to Women’s Health, new love is time-and mind-consuming, and people tend to skimp gym time and trade that for more snuggle time. Weight gain does not just happen in new relationships; married women fall prey to this phenomenon, too. Certainly, physical attraction plays a huge, initial part in relationships and compatibility – it’s one of the reasons why people are first attracted to each other in the first place. Typically, people “in the market” put more effort and energy into their appearance when they are beginning new relationships and first dating. But once those month and year anniversaries become too many to keep track of, chances are people become so comfortable in their relationship that impressing their partner is no longer the utmost first priority anymore.

Let’s take a gander and see possible reasons why.

1. Motivation, Where Did you Go?!

When people are single and looking for love, chances are they take more time and attention to their appearance by perhaps eating healthier and exercising more because they want to impress future love matches. Cooking healthy meals at home and going to the gym regularly may probably be on the agenda. Once they finally hook up and fall in love, however, people do not feel as motivated to look good because they already have their partners hooked. Love has a way of making you feel special, no matter how much weight you gain, especially if your boyfriend doesn’t acknowledge your body’s changes. And once you are married, other responsibilities may become more important –children, home, finances, career, expenses – and looking good takes a back seat.

2.  My  Partner Is Rubbing Off On Me

Friends and family can certainly tempt you to stray from healthy eating habits, and our partners are no different. Our social culture teaches us that eating with someone is always more fun, and we feel less guilty about indulging in fatty foods when someone else is right alongside us, too. If your partner is less of a health-conscious eater to begin with, you may start to inherit your partner’s fast food, pizza, and beer diet as a way to bond or because it is a convenient and easy solution to dinner. If your significant other is not regularly active, it might be difficult for you to get up for that run when he/she is pulling you back on the couch to cuddle. Remember it is always more of a challenge to remain healthy in the face of temptation.

3.  I Don’t Have Time to Exercise!

New couples tend to spend a lot of time together, forgoing the activities they did when they were single (unless the gym routine or exercise program is part of both of your daily regimens). Your alone time becomes your couple time, especially if you have a busy schedule with work or other priorities. If you both skip a workout here and order some greasy takeout there before you know it, you will both have more than just butterflies in your stomachs—you will both have some bread baking on the side of your waistbands. Visits to the gym and those solo after-work walks around the neighborhood get put on the back burner in favor of spending time with your partner. Women are also (typically) the caretakers in the relationships, so they are more prone to put their needs, healthy and otherwise, last on the list. Women in relationships typically have more influence over a couple’s habits than the man. That is because women tend to do more of the grocery shopping and cooking, and tend to incorporate fresher, healthier foods into their diet in general. Couples that are married and busy with kids and other responsibilities may tell themselves that they do not have the time or the energy to even think about exercise!

4. Stress

Good stress, known as eustress, can actually fuel relationship weight gain. Even happy, euphoric feelings (unfortunately) can make people turn to the fridge in almost a celebration mentality. However, people will probably experience the bad kind of stress when relationships take a few hits down a bumpy road. One of the most common ways people deal with stress is to emotionally eat it away, which almost always, backfires.

5. You Eat Out...All the Time

When people are single, they are more likely to eat smaller, healthier foods at home. But once people are in relationships, dinner dates are followed by caloric brunches and co-late night snacking. Couples bond over food because it is a special ritual in their relationship.  That is not good news for your waistline: A Men's Health magazine analysis of 24 national chains revealed that the average entree at a sit-down restaurant contains 867 calories. (And that does not include appetizers, sides, or dessert).

6. You Are Always in Bed or Sitting

adults bed bedroom book

A study last year in the journal Obesity found that couples who live together for two or more years are less likely to be physically active and the women are more likely to become obese. As positive as relationships can be, they also change your routine.  People begin scheduling more couple's events and less “personal” time to themselves. The gym and other fitness choices seem to take a back seat to dinner and drinks with your new hottie.

What are some tips to avoid getting fat in your new or existing relationship?

1. Go On Fitness Dates

When your sweetheart suggests a Sunday matinee and early dinner, counter offer with an outdoor hike and a picnic packed with fresh fruits, hummus and other low-fat foods. Exercising together is one of the most motivating tools for weight loss, and also one of the most effective. Go for a walk after dinner, even just around the block. Just move your bodies together! It does not have to be in a big aluminum warehouse filled with big electronic machines.

2. Tell Your Partner to Stop Tempting You

chocolate coated ice creams

It may be cute when your partner dangles a delicious piece of chocolate over your mouth and proceeds to devour it without gaining a millimeter in his/her waist or thighs, but if you cannot resist temptation, simply ask your partner to stop tempting you. Out of sight, out of mind just may help in your fight against relationship weight.

3. It’s Not a Competition! Don’t Match Bite for Bite

You resolve to order the low carb and fiber packed salad at dinner, but your partner goes for the burger or large pizza and finagles you into eating half of it. If you’re going to give into your main squeeze, at least go 60/40. Common mistake partners (especially women) typically make is splitting a meal down the middle. Ladies, remember that men have a higher caloric intake and can eat more without gaining weight. Just because your appetite matches him, doesn’t mean your portions should.

4. Eat In More Oftenadult blond board brunette

Cooking together can be intimate, because the food is very sensual, especially when couples take turns tasting it. Eating in allows people to control what goes into the food, including the fat and calorie content.  When you do dine out, eat a healthy snack that contains protein and fiber a few hours before your meal. When people skimp on meals all day, especially when they are going to go out that night, their bodies are left so hungry that they end up overdoing it. Nonfat yogurt, a piece of fruit, a dollop of almond or nut butter or a small bowl of cereal with low-fat milk are all smart choices.

5. Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Weigh in Often.

It's great to accept your body and not obsess over every last calorie, but it's hard to feel good about yourself when none of your pants fit. To prevent eating habits from spiraling out of control, check yourself with regular weigh-ins on a scale and write it down in a journal or log. Studies show that once people pass the five-pound mark, weight gain can take off like a runaway train. Seeing the scale creep toward that mark and documenting the process can be a call to action.

6. Get Your Partner Involved

A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who exercised with a partner lost more weight than those who sweat solo. When people do something together, they are more likely to stick with it. Sign up and train together for a 5-K, go for a bike ride instead of watching a movie, or join the same gym. When you do not feel like going, your partner will be there to motivate you and do the same for your partner.
