How to Protect Your Skin as You Age

How to Protect Your Skin as You Age

Did you know that the average American woman spends about $300,000 on skin and beauty products in her lifetime?

We all want to look and feel younger, with healthier looking skin because let’s face it. Your outside appearance is one of your most noticeable attributes.

However, the problem is most anti-aging serums and products do not address the root of the problem. The real issue, and what should be a great concern for both women and men alike, is accelerated aging.

Most accelerated aging is primarily a result of chronic inflammation in the body, which is driven by oxidative stress.

The good news is that that the major contributing factors to accelerated-aging and aging disorders are somewhat controllable and can be mitigated by lifestyle, food choices, and the way we handle stress.

All of which can help minimize body inflammation caused by free radicals.

You may have heard the term free radicals, and that we should avoid them.

Technically speaking, here’s what free radicals are any atom or molecule that is missing an electron in its outer shell that attacks and destroys other healthy atoms to get the electron it’s missing.

These free radicals start to accumulate as we age and leave cells damaged through a process called oxidative stress. When left unchecked, this is what causes accelerated aging.

Accelerated aging from oxidative stress damages the collagen in our skin, especially in the face.

It is caused by a number of things, including:

✦ Excessive Sun Exposure

✦ Environmental Elements
✦ Smog
✦ Bad Diets
✦ Sugary foods
✦ Poor Sleep
✦ Alcohol✦ Cigarette Smoke

All of these factors are a skin-aging recipe. No wonder we are spending so much on skin and beauty products!

Skin damage caused by oxidative stress can include:

☛ Brown Spots
☛ Broken Blood Vessels
☛ Weakened Skin
☛ Loss of Skin Elasticity
☛ Wrinkles
☛ Uneven Blotches
☛ Blemishes

While the effects above are concerning, there are things you can do to minimize accelerated aging and oxidative stress on your skin, face, and body.

Squashing Free Radicals

One way to help squash free radicals and oxidative stress that give way to accelerated aging is getting more antioxidants!

Antioxidants are compounds that give an electron to a free radical so that the free radical doesn’t have to take the electron from the skin’s atoms.

Antioxidants assist in protecting and promoting the building blocks of collagen, but since antioxidants are destroyed and oxidized in the process, you have to keep feeding the body and skin fresh antioxidants to keep up with the free-radical damage.

Sound simple enough?

Well, in theory, reaching for antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, artichokes, herbs, spices and green teas that also include vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E and can be a great idea, but it is just too difficult to get all the antioxidants you need to prevent free radical damage from food alone.

Luckily, there is a much better way!

The number one free radical fighting supplement you can take is curcumin. If you haven’t heard about curcumin, it’s the amazing healing compound found in the turmeric root.

Antioxidant-rich, it’s a fantastic daily supplement for fighting inflammation that helps improve cellular health and helps reverse oxidative stress to prevent accelerated aging. It’s also great for managing your joint, digestive, brain, immune, and heart health, too.

If you’re spending money on anti-aging products and still seeing the signs of accelerated aging creeping in, then try adding a high-quality curcumin supplement to your daily routine today!

Is Inflammation Making You Fat?

This Could Be the Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight

Do your pants immediately feel tighter after dinner?

Do you find yourself noticing extra fat around your midsection?

If this sounds familiar, you know how frustrating bloating and stubborn belly fat can be. While self-pity is unproductive, there are things you can do each day to improve these issues by addressing the real cause.

The Real Reason You Feel Fat

Inflammation could be one of the reasons you can’t shed those pounds or get rid of inconvenient bloating. This is great news if you haven’t seen the results you’ve wanted from diet and exercise alone.

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a component of the body’s defense mechanism. For short periods of time, it’s a good thing.

For example, your body will induce a temporary fever to help ward off foreign pathogens when you’re sick.

This causes an intentional inflammatory response aimed at making you better.

However, long-term inflammation is different. Long-term inflammation is caused by food intolerances, stress, and poor digestion. When left unchecked, this can cause fat-storing hormones to be released excessively.

How to Lose the Fat Caused by Inflammation

Here are some of the top inflammation-fighting practices you can get started on right now:

1. Remove Inflammatory Foods

These inflammatory foods tax your body and immune system and can lead to increased body fat. Try to remove the following foods and ingredients from your diet and household:

✦ Gluten
✦ Dairy
✦ Corn
✦ Eggs
✦ Soy
✦ Nuts
✦ Nightshades

tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, eggplants

✦ Citrus
✦ Yeast

baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast, and fermented products like alcohol

2. Remove Added Sugar 

Sugar has an immediate effect on the body and causes widespread inflammation.

A little natural sugar found in fruits is okay, but added sugar or sweeteners should be avoided.

Added sugar can even be found in food that doesn’t taste sweet, such as soup, bread and salad dressing. Get in the habit of checking nutrition labels and steer clear of foods with added sugar.

3. Reduce Your Salt Intake

Sodium blocks normal hormone signals that make you feel full.

This is why salty foods tend to make you overeat even when you’re not hungry.

Check the sodium content of foods and sauces in your home and keep track of how much you consume each day. When possible, prepare your foods at home and use spices instead of salt.

4. Take Curcumin (Active component inside Turmeric root)

Curcumin is the powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient inside turmeric that has incredible healing properties known to fight inflammation and oxidative stress.

Lowering oxidative stress can help regulate the release of fat-storing hormones, which makes it easier to lose weight.

This is a must-have in your daily routine if you want to combat stubborn fat caused by inflammation.

5. Try Icelandic Sea Kelp

Icelandic Sea Kelp contains fucoidan, an anti-inflammatory complex carbohydrate that fights oxidative stress.

The fiber in sea kelp also helps you feel full, which can help promote weight loss.

6. Add a Little Ginger To Your Drinks & Meals

Ginger is an amazing anti-inflammatory agent that helps support healthy digestion. It’s great for upset stomachs and can easily be added to water if your tummy needs a pick-me-up!

7. Astragalus

Astragalus is an incredible plant that supports the immune system, also known as an adaptogen.

Adaptogens are activated by stress and help lower cortisol levels in the body. Maintaining low, healthy cortisol levels is essential for weight loss.

8. Eat More Pineapple

Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which helps break down protein and reduce bloating.

Pineapples are one of the only fruits that leave alkaline residuals in the gastrointestinal tract to help decrease inflammation.

With a little patience and these tips, you can fight bloating and stubborn belly fat caused by inflammation. It's never too early to start, and this might be the push you needed to finally fit into those skinny jeans!

Extinguish Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare Ups Naturally

Extinguish Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups Naturally

If you have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) or live with symptoms of RA, there are many natural remedies you can take to decrease the extensive pain. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic disease in which the lining of the joints becomes inflamed to such an extent that pain and inability to function are the results. Because the cells of the immune system play an important role in this chronic inflammatory process, Rheumatoid Arthritis is typically classified as an autoimmune disease.

Below are several natural tips to keep those debilitating Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms at bay:

✒ Rest and Relaxation

Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. However, keep in mind that many people with RA need more than that. Try taking a two-hour nap during the afternoon if you don't get enough sleep at night. If you're feeling overly stressed, guided imagery, deep breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation exercises can help you relax. Hypnosis, meditation, and massage may also help ease tension. Also, soak in an Epson salt bath at night to draw out excess inflammation.

✒  Exercise

Regular exercise is a great way to fight fatigue, strengthen muscles, and increase the range of motion. Gentle stretching, walking, swimming, and water aerobics are usually good choices and you can even try working with a physical therapist to learn the proper way to exercise on your own.

✒ Apply heat and cold to arthritis pain

Applying heat to a painful joint can provide significant relief. For heat sources, you can use electric blankets and mitts, heating pads, or hot packs. Simply taking a hot bath or shower can also be soothing. Cold treatments may work equally well when joints are inflamed. Wrap an ice cube in a towel or washcloth, and press it to the sore joint.

✒ Try Eating these food items:

Celery: Recommend eating cooked or raw celery daily for one to two months. Celery is a diuretic, and the loss of excess fluid can reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis.
Cherries: To alleviate pain from arthritis, eat six to eight cherries a day (canned, frozen, or fresh). Cherries are good sources of minerals like magnesium (a natural painkiller) and potassium, which acts as a diuretic, reducing inflammation by ridding tissue of excess fluid.
Garlic: It has the ability to reduce inflammation, garlic helps ward off the pain and discomfort felt by those with arthritis.
Ginger: Eating ginger helps to alleviate arthritis pain. Because of its ability to increase blood circulation, ginger carries away inflammatory substances from the affected joint.

✒ Try Soothing and Natural Essential Oils:

Birch: Use in massage
Cypress: Soothing and Relaxing
Juniper Berry: Cleansing and Detoxifying
Grapefruit:  Cleansing, Motivating, Uplifting
Frankincense: Mood Balancing, Oil Powerhouse
Peppermint: Refreshing, Energy Boosting

How to Identify and Address Food Allergies and Chronic Infections

How to Identify and Address Food Allergies and Chronic (or hidden) Infections That May be Causing You Pain

If you suffer from chronic pain or inflammation, you’re not alone.

It is estimated that 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and the average cost of treatment is nearly $600 billion! Yes, billion…that’s a ton of medicine, a ton of money, and way too many Americans dealing with a reduced quality of life.

But, what if there were two things you could do to help reduce your level of pain, would you try it?

If you answered yes, then read on!

Food allergies and sensitivities, and hidden infections can all cause chronic pain.

Addressing these health issues can make a big difference in the level of pain you experience every day, and improve your overall quality of life.

Let’s start by talking about what food allergies and hidden infections do to the body.

Food allergies and sensitivities are have become more present as the foods we are consuming today have become less close to what our bodies recognize as food.

Gluten, wheat, corn, and soy are all crops that have been significantly genetically modified over the years, making it very difficult for our bodies to process them. This can lead to inflammation, food sensitivities, and even food allergies.

When we consume foods that our bodies cannot recognize, the body will mount an attack on this food and start creating antibodies. This is a recipe for long-term food allergy and sensitivity issues if the foods are not removed from the diet.

Many people are become allergic or sensitive to dairy and gluten and don’t know it. These are some of the most allergenic foods for people. When it comes to dairy, lactose intolerance could be the cause or a full-blown dairy allergy could be present.

However, dairy poses another issue because of the hormone and antibiotics present in conventional milk. The antibiotics will throw our digestive health out of balance, and the added hormones can cause endocrine disruption.

Food allergies or sensitivities that aren’t addressed, can lead to chronic pain.

Consuming foods that don’t sit well with your body can lead to inflammation, which will then result in pain.

It will also cause an imbalance in your gut flora, and with an imbalanced gut, comes imbalanced health, since your gut is central to your overall health. Consuming foods we react to is a sure-fire way to trigger digestive inflammation and upset.

Chronic or hidden infections can also trigger chronic pain.

The issue with certain infections is that you may not even know that you have one. Many of these are linked to the gut. Things like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) candida, parasites, and leaky gut can all lead to inflammation in the body, and as you’ve learned.. inflammation eventually equals pain.

Many people suffer from these infections without knowing, because they can be difficult to diagnose. However, being aware of the signs and symptoms can help you uncover whether you believe you are suffering from a chronic or hidden infection, and then take the steps to get that infection under control.

Whew, that’s a lot of information.

But, don’t worry, here are the signs and symptoms of food allergies and sensitivities, and steps you can take to start addressing them today.

Signs & Symptoms of Food Allergies

Food allergies and sensitivities are different, but both can lead to inflammation and pain.

A true food allergy will cause an immune system reaction that can cause issues with different organs in the body. Some allergic reactions can even be life-threatening.

A food sensitivity or a food intolerance is normally less serious than a food allergy, but they can still cause inflammation and digestive health issues. Remember.. with an imbalance in gut health, comes an imbalance in overall health, so removing foods you may be reacting to is essential.

The common signs of a food allergy include:

⚙ Hives
⚙ Rash
⚙ Difficulty breathing
⚙ Persistent cough
⚙ Swelling of the tongue
⚙ Weak pulse
⚙ Dizziness
⚙ Pale or blue coloring of the skin
⚙ Anaphylaxis shock in serious cases
⚙ Vomiting or gastrointestinal distress

Signs of a food sensitivity include:

⚙ Gastrointestinal distress
⚙ Skin reactions such as eczema or rashes
⚙ Fatigue
⚙ Irritability
⚙ Brain fog
⚙ Unexplained weight changes
⚙ Joint pain

How to Address Food Allergies & Sensitivities

If you suspect that you have a true food allergy, it is so important to completely remove this food from your diet. Food allergies can be diagnosed through skin prick testing or blood work. Avoidance is the only way to address a food allergy.

In terms of food sensitivity, it is best to start with an elimination diet.

Eliminate the foods you believe you are reacting to for at least two weeks, and then reintroduce one food at a time. If you react to a food upon reintroduction, that’s a good indication that you are sensitive to that food.

Keep in mind that many people do not tolerate gluten, soy, corn, or dairy as these can be very inflammatory. If you do reintroduce dairy into your diet, opt for organic, grass-fed dairy products to avoid steroid, hormone, and antibiotic exposure which can further inflame the body and cause more pain.

Signs & Symptoms of Chronic or Hidden Infections

When it comes to hidden infections, and particularly hidden infections related to the gut, you will want to watch out for the following symptoms.

❧ Oral thrush
❧ Constipation or diarrhea
❧ Abdominal pain or cramping
❧ Loss of appetite
❧ Nausea and vomiting
❧ Diarrhea
❧ Blood in the stool
❧ Weight gain or weight loss

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms that are not relieved by addressing food allergies or sensitivities, it may be time to work with a holistic health practitioner to run testing to determine if a gut infection is present. Removing the infection can be a huge step in reducing the amount of pain you may be experiencing each day.

If you suffer from chronic pain, it may seem like anything you do just doesn’t make it any better. However, there are so many steps you can take! Addressing diet, and removing foods that simply don’t work for your body is a huge step in the right direction.

Start by eliminating these reactive foods, and see how your body feels.

On top of that, consider supplementing with a high-quality probiotic, and curcumin supplement. Both of which can help support gut health and help fight inflammation.

You should start feeling like a new you in just 60-90 days!

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

When the body eats foods, the digestive and metabolic processes transforms the eaten matter into residue that is left behind that is either acidic or alkaline. Using science to explain this phenomenon (and the laws of modern biochemistry), it is not the organic matter of foods (whether the food itself is acidic or alkaline), but their inorganic matter (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorous; that is, how they break down in our bodies), that determines either the acidity or alkalinity of this ashy residue. Being too acidic promotes disease, chronic ailments, cancer and other health complications. Intentional alkalizing of the body blood and other fluids optimizes healthy organ and system functioning, free of ailments. Factors that leave our bodies acidic include environmental pollutants, acid-forming foods like processed sugars and foods, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meats and dairy, hidden genetically modified organisms (GMOs), psychological and emotional stress, synthetic and pharmaceutical drugs and physical body stress. Consider the following lists to be the nutrition bible of top alkalizing and acidic foods to eat and avoid for optimum health functioning, free of chronic disease.

Most Alkalizing (Eat Most)

Himalayan salt, grasses, cucumber, kale, spinach, parsley, sea kelp, sprouts (soy, alfalfa), sea vegetables, green drinks without sweet fruits, all sprouted beans, ph 9.5 alkaline water (less than 8 hours old).

Moderately Alkaline

Avocado, beetroot, basil, capsicum/pepper, cabbage, celery, chives, collard greens, spring greens, coriander, endive, garlic, ginger, green beans, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onion, radish, red onion, rocket/arugula, tomato, lemon, lime, butter beans, soy beans, white haricot beans, chia/sabja seeds, quinoa.

Mildly Alkaline

Artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrot, zucchini, leeks, new baby potatoes, peas, pumpkin, swede, squash (butternut/summer), watercress, grapefruit, coconut, pomegranate, rhubarb, buckwheat, lentils, tofu, goat milk, almond milk, herbs and spices (thyme, mint, ginger, cumin), avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, udo’s oil.

Neutral/Mildly Acidic (Eat Moderately)

Black beans, chickpeas, garbanzos beans, kidney beans, seitan, cantaloupe, fresh dates, nectarine, plum, sweet cherries, watermelon, millet, oats, oatmeal, spelt, soybeans, buckwheat pasta, couscous, brown rice, freshwater wild fish, rice and soy milk, rice/soy/hemp protein, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, brazil nuts, pecan nuts, hazel nuts.

Moderately Acid (Eat Less)

Fresh and natural fruit juices, ketchup, mayonnaise, butter, apple, apricot, banana, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, grapes, guava, mango, mangosteen, orange, peach, papaya, strawberry, goat’s cheese, vegan cheese, rye bread, wheat, whole meal bread, wild rice, wholemeal pasta, ocean fish.

Highly Acid (Avoid or Eat Sparingly)

Alcohol, coffee, black tea, fruit juice (sweetened), cocoa, honey, jam, jelly, mustard, miso, rice syrup, soy sauce, vinegar, yeast, dried fruit, beef, chicken, eggs, farmed fish, pork, shellfish, cheese, dairy, artificial sweeteners, syrup, mushroom. ” (Source: Energise For great website that has a lot of information on how to eat, what to eat when living an alkaline lifestyle. They have this list downloadable for free!)

Additional Explanations:

Lemons and Warm Water

I start every morning with a cup of warm alkaline water and 1 lemon, taken on an empty stomach with my probiotic and 2 colostrum capsules. Lemons (of all the non-dark leafy greens)- just like pineapple- leave a highly alkalizing residue in the body once it is digested. It is also a natural disinfectant, can heal wounds, and provides potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote detoxification (source: Natural News).

Juice and Drink Your Greens

Next I juice greens taken from the “Highly Alkaline” list. Most of these greens are dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard, celery, cucumber, parsley) with ginger and lemon. Consumed about 1 hour after the lemon water and probiotics, this will reset your system and put your body in an alkaline state.

Eat Raw or Lightly Steamed Greens 

I eat raw or lightly steamed cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or other leafy greens and eat that (2 times per day) with sea vegetables and sea weed and extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin coconut oil. I sprout quinoa and have that on the side with sauerkraut if I need additional carbohydrates.

The dark leafy greens are known for its rich vitamin K and folate content. They are packed with phytochemicals and micronutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, and powerhouses to key antioxidants that boost immunity and fiber for colon health and for optimal digestion health.

Add Garlic and Cayenne Peppers

If you are feeling a little taxed and need additional pick-me-up and immunity boosting, add garlic (it promotes cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and fighting off disease) and cayenne peppers (capsicum), a great endocrine normalizing food. It has great antibacterial properties, is rich in vitamin A and is a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals that lead to stress and illness.

Fibromyalgia and Pain: Natural Treatments 

Fibromyalgia and Pain: Natural Treatments

According to the American Chronic Pain Association, fibromyalgia is a medically unexplained syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain and a heightened and painful response to pressure (allodynia). Fibromyalgia (fī'brō-mī-āl'jē-ə) affects more than 6 million people in this country. Most of them are women, but it does occur in men as well. Other core symptoms are debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance, and joint stiffness. Some patients may also report difficulty with swallowing, bowel and bladder abnormalities, numbness and tingling (paresthesia) and cognitive dysfunction.

Fibromyalgia is a term that's been used only fairly recently. It is not a new condition. Previous to this, it was referred to as soft tissue rheumatism or fibrositis or non-articular rheumatism.

 People with fibromyalgia may experience the following symptoms:

➮ Wide- Spread Aches and Pains
➮ Localized pain in the neck area
➮ Pain in the rib area
➮ Lower back pain
➮ Chronic Fatigue
➮ Tension Headaches
➮ Myofascial Pain Syndrome (means pain and inflammation in the body's soft tissues)
➮ Tender points in the thigh area
➮ Immune Deficiency Syndrome
➮ Depression
➮ Lethargy
➮ Sleep Disruption Problems
➮ IBS and related digestive problems
➮ Problems with concentration
➮ Irritability
➮ Anxieties
➮ Vulvar pain syndrome
➮ Nails and hair brittle and poor quality
➮ Weight gain
➮ Sugar cravings and a form of hypoglycemia

Many people live with pain for years before fibromyalgia is found as the cause.  A recent brain-scan study confirms scientifically what fibromyalgia patients have been telling a skeptical medical community for years: They're really in pain.

In fact, the study finds, people with fibromyalgia say they feel severe pain, and have measurable pain signals in their brains, from a gentle finger squeeze that barely feels unpleasant to people without the disease. The squeeze's force must be doubled to cause healthy people to feel the same level of pain—and their pain signals show up in different brain areas.

The results, published in the May issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism, the journal of the American College of Rheumatology, may offer the proof of fibromyalgia's physical roots that many doubtful physicians have sought. It may also open doors for further research on the still-unknown causes of the disease, which affects more than 2 percent of Americans, mainly women.

Now, more healthcare providers are aware of the condition. This means that it can be addressed sooner. And there is a growing list of treatments that may help.

According to sources such as the National Institutes of Health, American Medical Association, and American College of Rheumatology, little is known about the cause of this type of pain, but the central nervous system does play a role. Unfortunately for this progressive disease, there is no cure for fibromyalgia but there are treatments that can help. Many people have found ways to have a good quality of life in spite of fibromyalgia.

The following are ways to live a more comfortable life with fibromyalgia:

➲ Plenty of sleep

Nap any time that you can.

➲ Move your body

Keep active-walking and low impact sports are great examples.
Meditation helps tremendously. This allows you to separate the mind from the pain

➲ Magnesium and Malic Acid supplements

Consult the doctor or a nutritionist to have your Magnesium level checked. It is a simple painless mouth swab

➲ Epson Salt baths

Take 2-3 warm Epson Salt baths a week (Epson salt contains Magnesium and soaking in a warm tub helps the body to absorb the mineral into the body better. Magnesium aids the muscles in better utilization of oxygen. When body magnesium levels are low, cramps, spasms, and pain may augment.)

➲ Eliminate Sugar from your diet.

No more sugar–sweets, candies, syrups, etc. Instead, use Xylitol 'from birch bark' - sweet with no bitter aftertaste. Xylitol can also help prevent tooth decay. Instead of adding sugar or artificial sweetener to your beverages or food, use Liquid Stevia. Do not use any artificial sweeteners.

More traditionally, Neurologists, Rheumatologists, Chiropractors, Psychiatrists, and pain specialists will address the symptoms of fibromyalgia and focus on the pain aspect in terms of medications. Solutions such as massage, muscle relaxants trigger point injections, nerve blocks, steroid shots and braces as well as surgeries are most popular. More progressive treatments include biofeedback and acupuncture.

❖ Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another alternative pain treatment that is one of the most commonly tried for fibromyalgia. The benefits of massage are hard to demonstrate in a clinical study, but it does seem to be helpful for many types of muscle pain, including fibromyalgia. Massage is generally safe. It may certainly relieve tightness and promote relaxation, but it is not likely to provide any long-term fibromyalgia help.

❖ SAM-e

This is a great item for natural joint support and mobility, AND for emotional wellness. This very important supplement is backed by over 20 years of research. It helps to support positive mood balance, joint and liver function. SAM-e is found naturally in every cell in the human body and increases levels of important neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. It also protects the liver from fat infiltration.

❖  Co-Q-10

Research indicates that CoQ10 may support heart health by supporting cellular energy production.

❖ Beta Glucans, with ImmunEnhancer

Beta Glucans gives your body a very powerful nutritional boost for natural cellular defenses. Beta Glucans activates NK cells and is helpful to the immune system and against tumors. For a stronger immune system, take one Beta Glucan tablet a day.

❖ Liquid Calcium Magnesium

Best used in the morning and right before bedtime. People often need more calcium and magnesium than any other vitamin or mineral because they are the primary building blocks of bones, teeth, and muscles.

❖ Source Naturals L-Lysine

This is an all-natural stress fighter and immune booster. It can help regulate your immune system response - especially when you are under extra stress situations. Take extra L-Lysine when exposed to crowds and during flu season.

❖  Emer’gen-C

This handy packet of 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 25 different electrolytes in the ascorbic acid form delivers 8 times more potassium than Gatorade and other sports drinks. When you add water to the Emer'gen-C powder, it immediately effervesces to a powerful, delicious, and healthful activator of your metabolic functions.

❖  Glucosamine Chondroitin plus MSM

This helps with inflammation. MSM is an excellent source of safe and substantial relief. This helpful relief comes from MSM's pain reducing, anti-inflammatory and increased blood-supply properties. Soft tissue inflammation responds well to minerals which improve blood flow.

❖  Vitamin D

Both vitamin D and magnesium levels have been found to be low in people with fibromyalgia, but as of yet, there is no evidence that taking vitamin supplements are an effective fibromyalgia treatment. Vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, does have some effects on nerve and muscle function, and some studies have suggested that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with chronic pain of fibromyalgia. In a small clinical study published online in the In a recent issue of Pain Medicine, fibromyalgia symptoms improved in 30 women after 8 weeks of vitamin D supplementation. However, other researchers have failed to find any association between fibromyalgia and vitamin D levels.

❖  Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of treatment for chronic pain and is based on ancient Chinese medical practices. There have been several studies on the usefulness of acupuncture in fibromyalgia. Three studies support the use of acupuncture combined with a pulsed electric current, a treatment called electroacupuncture.

❖  Capsaicin Application

Capsaicin comes from pepper plants and is considered a natural pain reliever. It’s the active ingredient in a variety of over-the-counter sprays and lotions. When applied to a painful area of the body, it stimulates the release of a body chemical called substance P. As substance P is depleted, the pain sensation seems to decrease. Capsaicin has been used for chronic pain in diabetes, cancer, and cluster headaches. It may also temporarily relieve fibromyalgia pain.

❖ Biofeedback

Biofeedback is an alternative therapy that uses the mind-body connection to help you learn to control your chronic pain with the power of your mind. The feedback may come in the form of muscle tension, skin temperature, or brain wave measurements. Biofeedback is helpful for many painful conditions when it is used along with other therapies.

❖  Melatonin Hormone

Melatonin is a natural hormone found in the body, thought to be involved in promoting sleep. Melatonin in pill form is often used as a sleep aid, but it has also been used for depression, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. The experts say there is not enough evidence to support its use for the chronic pain of fibromyalgia. However, many people do get fibromyalgia help from natural and alternative treatments despite the lack of research support.

Resources:, webmd,,,