14 Power Foods for Fat Burning and Lean Muscle Gaining

14 Power Foods for Fat Burning and Lean Muscle Gaining

Eat these foods every week to boost up the fat burning potential of the body (increase immunity power and digestive wellness, too).

Try to limit or cut out processed foods and high "bad" and trans fat foods that are deep-fried and processed with damaging oils.

Examples of both include white pasta, packaged snacks, crackers (raw and sprouted are fine), cereals, high sugar or artificial sugar ANYTHING that does not come from mother nature (like fruit) and foods that spike and drop insulin without any other added benefits.

There is a very very long and involved list of food additives and common foods that do the opposite of burning fat, but I want this article to highlight all the foods we should be focusing on.

Please read on for some of my favorite metabolism pumping and fat burning power foods!

1. Fish Oil

Reduces inflammation (joints/skin), lower body fat and increases testosterone levels. Aim for 9000mg EPA/DHA per day. Good quality fish oil supplements are great, too.

2. Probiotics

Get both capsules for lower GI and fermented yogurt/live cultures for upper GI. Probiotics are the good bacteria that helps gastrointestinal health, immunity and fat burn.

Be cautious about sugar-laden yogurts.

Aim for 50-100 billion live cultures per serving! My favorites are http://www.inner-eco.com and http://www.biokplus.com/en-us/home. 

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Use this powerful food drizzled on foods, and do not cook with it because it will damage its beneficial properties. Instead, use extra virgin coconut oil for cooking/baking.

Extra virgin olive oil has 70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart diseases and cancer.

4. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

Flax, chia, hemp, basil, pumpkin, and all sprouted! Seeds provid

seed grain

e a vegetarian source of fiber, protein, healthy fats omega-3.

Freshly ground is the way to go and sprinkle them generously on salads, breakfast porridge, smoothies or eat them straight.

5. Dark Leafy Greens and Cruciferous Vegetables and Juices

This is the main staple in my diet and should be for everyone. These special greens are high in cancer-fighting phytochemicals and have immune boosting, free radical zapping power as well as anti-estrogenic indoles.

High in fiber, low in calories, dense in nutrients and helps with intestinal, colon, liver and gallbladder cleansing. Other examples include BokChoy, cauliflower, kale, Brussels Sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, and chard.

Go green EVERYDAY. You will notice a huge difference in how the lean muscle begins to start becoming visible!!

6. Sprouted Quinoa

Sprouting means that you soak them in a glass mason jar overnight and then cook with them/prepare them after. It allows the foods to be more bio-available and yield more absorbable protein and nutrients.

Sprouting grains and nuts is easier for digestion, as well. Quinoa is gluten-free, high in fiber and protein (than rice or oats) and is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner (sweet or salty). 

7. Filtered, Alkaline Water

The body needs good, clean and alkaline water to rehydrate the muscles and organs after daily movement and exercise. Drinking according to your activity level and region/environment helps muscle recovery, prevents dehydration and keeps the brain sharp and appetite from spiking drastically.

8. Organic Matcha Green Tea

Grown in the shade and pumped full of chlorophyll, organic matcha green tea, from Japan has 10 times the antioxidant as typical Asian green tea. It will not leave you crashing after a caffeine high, for it slowly releases the caffeine for hours and is much gentler on the body and GI system.

Studies report that matcha green tea boosts fat loss, prevents cancer and improves blood sugar and circulation.

9. Avocados

"Avocados contain glutathione, one of the most potent antioxidants and disease-fighting agents available.

Studies show that people sustain their nutrition program longer and have greater weight loss when on a diet that contains about 30 percent healthy monounsaturated fat, like those in avocados, rather than a low-fat diet.

This is because fats, when eaten in the proper balance with carbohydrates, can help to slow the release of sugars into the bloodstream, thereby triggering less insulin release. Insulin is basically the hormone that instructs the body to store energy as fat while preventing the use of stored energy, making it a dieter's nemesis if levels are too high." (Source: livestyle.ca.msn.com)

10. Lecithin

Not just for hair and skin health, lecithin helps the body break down and dispose of bad LDL cholesterol and fats through the bloodstream to help prevent clogged arteries.

Because lecithin plays a role in moving fats and cholesterol out of the body, it may support liver health by preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver and fat from the body. Use as a supplement in smoothies and drinks.

11. Grapefruit

Picked ripe off the tree, grapefruit lowers insulin, regulates blood sugar and metabolism. Eat the fleshy white membranes, too! It has most of the nutrients packed in them!

12. Sprouted Almonds

High in good fats, sprouted almonds are alkaline, good for almost all types of people, has fiber, protein, helps to build muscle and reduce cravings.

13. Whey Protein or Rice Bran Amino Acids

Both reduce insulin, blood pressure, helps to repair tissues, develop and build muscle and reduces short-term food intake.

According to research done at the University of Toronto and published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition, whey protein has potential as a functional food component to contribute to the regulation of body weight by providing satiety signals that affect both short-term and long-term food intake regulation.

14. Tarragon

When people use tarragon in their daily food routine, they tend to use less salt. Sodium, though is needed in small amounts, causes people to retain water. By consuming less sodium people are making a healthier choice that will also help you avoid weight and size differences with excess fluids.

Additionally, tarragon adds more flavor without adding calories or worse, fat. When people choose to eat the healthier options, they are less likely to crave and grab unhealthy, high fat and high salt foods.

Sources: naturalhealthsherpa.com, stronglifts.com, bodybuilding.com, chatalaine.com, self.com, health.com

10 Ways to Kick Start a Change

10 Ways to Kick-Start a Change 


Take a positive attitude and try to ingrain some short and simple habits into your daily routine: 

 1. Buy the ‘healthiest’ foods at the grocery store

I don’t mean buy the most expensive food. Buy the healthiest.

Don’t look at the price. You won’t notice at the check-out counter. All the stress happens at the point of decision. Know that your body will feel better in the long run.

2. Try a healthy smoothie for breakfast

Kick the day off right with healthy raw veggies, quality proteins, and natural fats. In 20 minutes, every cell in the body will have benefited from the good-for-you energy.

Try shifting the habit from coffee first thing in the morning for a liquid drink made with fiber and vitamin rich smoothie. Save your black coffee for pre-workout.

 3. Earn your indulgences

If you plan on going ‘off the rails’ with your diet (which I don’t recommend), then at least earn it by doing some moderate physical activity.

 4. Gather all your artificial air fresheners and through them out: ALL OF THEM!

Better yet, look for these toxic products from your home and seek natural replacements to them. These toxins are poisoning you and your family.

1. Non-Stick Cookware

2. Flea and Tick Products

3. Mothballs

4. Air Fresheners

5. Oven Cleaner

6. Furniture Polish and Stain

7. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

8. Gas Space Heaters

9. Cleaning Solutions

10. Extension Cords

11. Antibacterial Soaps

12. Flaking Paint

13. Flame Retardants

 5. Black out your bedroom

Even minimal light can sabotage your sleep. Rejuvenate this weekend. Your body needs it!

6. Slow down and breathe

Our generation is arguably the most stressed in history. Stress will catch up to us. Put things in perspective, stop and breath. Make it an event. Cut the pattern of stress.

7. Guilty until proven innocent

Until GMO foods are proven safe in the long term, avoid them! Why the hell would you put something in your mouth if it could possibly be a time-bomb?

 8. Toss those synthetic creams

How many times have you put on a cream to deal with pain and swelling?

This is obvious proof that our skin absorbs certain chemicals. So, in general, only put organic and preferably food grade products on your body.

 9. Stop rationalizing inaction

Make a definitive decision to stop the pattern of ignorance! You’re only fooling yourself.

The average Canadian will spend the last 10 years of their lives with the disease. Don’t be THAT statistic. Ten years of feeling like you have the flu is a shitty way to embrace aging.

 10. Get involved and BE the movement!

Big things are coming for Ikkuma and our primary motivation is to transform a generation – to effectively change a generation’s health trajectory forever.

Stay tuned. We’ll show you how – in 8 weeks – you can rewrite your future! 

Life is a game of numbers. Put the numbers in your favor and kick some ass! Start this weekend.
By: The Ikkuma Guru, Gary LeBlanc

Gary LeBlanc is the co-founder of the company Ikkuma Inc. – specializing in holistically oriented consumer products – a certified coach practitioner, personal trainer and most recently a published author, with his book titled “Ikkuma: Evolution of Vitality”.  A previous Vice President for a top tier company and perpetual health & fitness advocate, Gary has spent the better part of 20 years researching the latest diet, health and fitness trends. When a close friend got diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago, Gary realized health & wellness was more than an interest, so it became his passion.  He now divides his time between running Ikkuma Inc., coaching at Innate Wellness, consulting and practicing what he preaches with abundant VITALITY!!

They also just came up with an incredible drink that helps to cancel out noise.


For more information, please visit: www.ikkuma.com

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

When the body eats foods, the digestive and metabolic processes transforms the eaten matter into residue that is left behind that is either acidic or alkaline. Using science to explain this phenomenon (and the laws of modern biochemistry), it is not the organic matter of foods (whether the food itself is acidic or alkaline), but their inorganic matter (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorous; that is, how they break down in our bodies), that determines either the acidity or alkalinity of this ashy residue. Being too acidic promotes disease, chronic ailments, cancer and other health complications. Intentional alkalizing of the body blood and other fluids optimizes healthy organ and system functioning, free of ailments. Factors that leave our bodies acidic include environmental pollutants, acid-forming foods like processed sugars and foods, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meats and dairy, hidden genetically modified organisms (GMOs), psychological and emotional stress, synthetic and pharmaceutical drugs and physical body stress. Consider the following lists to be the nutrition bible of top alkalizing and acidic foods to eat and avoid for optimum health functioning, free of chronic disease.

Most Alkalizing (Eat Most)

Himalayan salt, grasses, cucumber, kale, spinach, parsley, sea kelp, sprouts (soy, alfalfa), sea vegetables, green drinks without sweet fruits, all sprouted beans, ph 9.5 alkaline water (less than 8 hours old).

Moderately Alkaline

Avocado, beetroot, basil, capsicum/pepper, cabbage, celery, chives, collard greens, spring greens, coriander, endive, garlic, ginger, green beans, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onion, radish, red onion, rocket/arugula, tomato, lemon, lime, butter beans, soy beans, white haricot beans, chia/sabja seeds, quinoa.

Mildly Alkaline

Artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrot, zucchini, leeks, new baby potatoes, peas, pumpkin, swede, squash (butternut/summer), watercress, grapefruit, coconut, pomegranate, rhubarb, buckwheat, lentils, tofu, goat milk, almond milk, herbs and spices (thyme, mint, ginger, cumin), avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, udo’s oil.

Neutral/Mildly Acidic (Eat Moderately)

Black beans, chickpeas, garbanzos beans, kidney beans, seitan, cantaloupe, fresh dates, nectarine, plum, sweet cherries, watermelon, millet, oats, oatmeal, spelt, soybeans, buckwheat pasta, couscous, brown rice, freshwater wild fish, rice and soy milk, rice/soy/hemp protein, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, brazil nuts, pecan nuts, hazel nuts.

Moderately Acid (Eat Less)

Fresh and natural fruit juices, ketchup, mayonnaise, butter, apple, apricot, banana, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, grapes, guava, mango, mangosteen, orange, peach, papaya, strawberry, goat’s cheese, vegan cheese, rye bread, wheat, whole meal bread, wild rice, wholemeal pasta, ocean fish.

Highly Acid (Avoid or Eat Sparingly)

Alcohol, coffee, black tea, fruit juice (sweetened), cocoa, honey, jam, jelly, mustard, miso, rice syrup, soy sauce, vinegar, yeast, dried fruit, beef, chicken, eggs, farmed fish, pork, shellfish, cheese, dairy, artificial sweeteners, syrup, mushroom. ” (Source: Energise For Life.com- great website that has a lot of information on how to eat, what to eat when living an alkaline lifestyle. They have this list downloadable for free!)

Additional Explanations:

Lemons and Warm Water

I start every morning with a cup of warm alkaline water and 1 lemon, taken on an empty stomach with my probiotic and 2 colostrum capsules. Lemons (of all the non-dark leafy greens)- just like pineapple- leave a highly alkalizing residue in the body once it is digested. It is also a natural disinfectant, can heal wounds, and provides potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote detoxification (source: Natural News).

Juice and Drink Your Greens

Next I juice greens taken from the “Highly Alkaline” list. Most of these greens are dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard, celery, cucumber, parsley) with ginger and lemon. Consumed about 1 hour after the lemon water and probiotics, this will reset your system and put your body in an alkaline state.

Eat Raw or Lightly Steamed Greens 

I eat raw or lightly steamed cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or other leafy greens and eat that (2 times per day) with sea vegetables and sea weed and extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin coconut oil. I sprout quinoa and have that on the side with sauerkraut if I need additional carbohydrates.

The dark leafy greens are known for its rich vitamin K and folate content. They are packed with phytochemicals and micronutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, and powerhouses to key antioxidants that boost immunity and fiber for colon health and for optimal digestion health.

Add Garlic and Cayenne Peppers

If you are feeling a little taxed and need additional pick-me-up and immunity boosting, add garlic (it promotes cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and fighting off disease) and cayenne peppers (capsicum), a great endocrine normalizing food. It has great antibacterial properties, is rich in vitamin A and is a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals that lead to stress and illness.

Healthy Eating Basics: Where Should I Start?

Healthy Eating Basics: Where Should I Start?

One of the most popular questions I get from inquisitive minds often touches on the basics of eating a healthy diet. I always encourage people to take steps and little shifts to mindful and awareness food consumption that will lead to optimal health.

There are just so many "myths" and "truths" out there that have a direct impact on our lives (mental, emotional and physical wellbeing), that if we try to comprehend them all in one big chunk, we could be overwhelmed and throw in the towel before even committing to making a change for the positive.

Below are general guidelines I like to follow and suggest for people that need a gentle nudge toward the right way of doing things better when it comes to food decisions.

1. Be mindful of the refined, processed and manufactured foods that make it into your shopping cart and into your home and mouth.

Chronic inflammation, how we feel and perhaps how we act, is almost always directly linked to the quality of foods we eat—and packaged and processed foods do us no good.

Instead, aim for fresh, whole, live and organic (when possible) foods.

2. Refrain from quick digesting carbs (flour and sugar).

These food-like products increase inflammation as well because of the rapid increases in blood sugar that create abnormal reactions between proteins and sugars.

3. Eat healthy fats.

Choose coconut oil, extra virgin olive oils and other monounsaturated fats which counteract inflammation.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and fortified eggs are also great choices.

Stay away from trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, margarine, soybean oil, corn, sunflower or canola and other GMO oils, vegetable shortenings, and omega-6 fatty acids.

4. Try to eat as close to a rabbit (limit animal by-products and meats) for protein.

Red meat, poultry, and dairy products are not only very acidic to the body (diseases cultivate in acidic internal environments), they are filled with unhealthy saturated fats and linked to a number of cardiovascular diseases and inflammation.

Try non-GMO whole soybeans, legumes, nuts, and dark leafy greens like chard, and kale which all have high levels of protein.

5. Use Essential Oils, Herbs, and Spices.

Not only to add a deeper level of flavor to your meals (and infuse into your water), these beneficial, natural anti-inflammatory agents are a kitchen staple that you should be adopting into your everyday routine.

I love to use lemon or grapefruit essential oil in my waters, ginger, turmeric, basil, dill, and black pepper in my main and side dishes and peppermint, lavender and lime in my desserts.

6. Hydrate and Drink your liquids!

My go to is clean, spring water (add lemon or lemon essential oils to luke warm water in the am to reset the body and flush out toxins), raw coconut water (pumped with electrolytes, magnesium, and potassium) and watermelon water with fresh lavender, matcha green tea for a treat.

7. Eat your rainbow.

Choose a rainbow variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

These are packed with live and protective phytonutrients and antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and reactive byproducts that contribute to a host of chronic diseases and ailments.