Top 10 Core Exercises for a Strong and Solid Foundation

A strong core is essential to correctly perform strength training exercises, to lift a maximum amount of weight and to reduce your risk of injuries. There are many different techniques you can use to vary your core training and avoid a plateau. Here are 10 top power core drills to incorporate into your workout for a strong, solid, foundation.

Number 10—Plank

The plank works your entire core and upper- and lower-body muscles. Lie down on your stomach. Lift your body off the floor with your forearms (elbows at 90° degrees) and your toes. Keep your body in a straight position (without arching your back) and hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Lift one foot in the air for added difficulty.

crossfit side plank

Note* The first three of these movements (10, 9 and 8) are static floor exercises, which require little or no movement; constant tension on your muscles ensures that they are working. Improvement is marked by the increased duration of each exercise or the reduction of your support base.

The following three (7, 6 and 5) are dynamic floor exercises, which are done without weights. They are different from static training because they require movement throughout the exercise.

Exercises 4 and 3 are static Swiss ball exercises. A Swiss ball is unstable, so the main muscles you are working will need the help of supporting muscles to balance you and the ball. Find a medium-sized ball that is fully inflated, but still allows for some give.

Finally, exercises 2 and 1 are dynamic Swiss ball exercises: Movement is required throughout these drills to target the selected muscle groups.

Number 9—Pushup plank

push up plank

This exercise is the same as the plank, except that you are in a pushup position. The pushup plank works the core, chest, and biceps. This is a great exercise to end your workout with; it will fully fatigue almost every muscle in your upper body.

Number 8—V-sit hold

This targets your abdominal muscles and improves your balance. Lie on your back and bend at the waist as you extend your legs and arms into the air to form a “V.” Hold this position for as long as you can.

v sit hold

Number 7— Twisting crunch

This is one of the most effective crunch workouts, as it hits all of your stomach muscle fibers at once. Assume a standard crunch position, raise your torso to a 45° angle, and then twist from side to side. For an advanced movement, extend your legs and pretend to peddle a bicycle while you continue to twist.

twisting crunch

Number 6—Lying windmills

This exercise is one of the most challenging. Lie on your back with your arms extended and raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower your legs to the side as low as you can while maintaining complete shoulder and back contact with the floor. Bring your legs back up to center and lower them to the other side.

toe leg stretch

Number 5—Supermans with a twist

Perform a standard Superman: Lie down on your stomach and raise your torso off the floor with your arms extended in front of you (beginners may place their hands behind their head). Here’s the twist: At the top of the raise, twist to one side, return to the center and twist to the other side. Lower your torso to the ground to complete one rep. Hold a two- to five-pound weight for a more advanced movement.


Number 4—Plank on a Swiss ball

This is a variation of the static plank. There are two possible executions: You can place your forearms on the Swiss ball with your feet on the ground or you can place your feet on the ball with your forearms on the ground. Keep your abs and glutes tight, and do not arch your back. Hold this position as long as possible. Move the ball slightly from side to side for an advanced movement.

plank on ball

Number 3—Lying Glute pushup

The lying glute pushup targets your butt and back muscles. Lie on your back with your feet resting on top of a Swiss ball. Push through your heels to raise your butt off the floor as high as possible. Form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold this position for 60 seconds.


Number 2—Stiff-legged V bends

This is exactly the same as the ball roll-ins, but you must keep your knees straight and move your hips toward the ceiling. The focus of this drill is completely on the abs; you should be able to feel a strong medial contraction.

kettlebell throw

Number 1—Ball roll-ins

Ball roll-ins target your central abdominal muscles. Place your hands on the ground and the top of your feet on top of the ball. Keep your hands in place and bend at the knees to bring the ball toward your chest. Hold this position for a second and roll back out. Focus on squeezing your abs throughout the movement; do not use your hip flexors to bring the ball toward you.

supine tricep extension

To the core of the matter

These are some of the best core training exercises. They help create a more complete workout because they target one specific muscle and often call synergistic muscles into play. Choose a drill from each group to use during every abdominal workout and you will be a step ahead of the rest.

Source: E-Fit Today.Com

Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food

Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food

Food has the power to temporarily alleviate stress and sadness, enhance joy, and bring us comfort when we need it most. Maybe it’s cultural, or maybe it is the way in which we celebrate victories, birthdays, memories, the end of each workday, and pass the time in between? It is no wonder experts estimate that 75 percent of overeating is triggered by our emotions, not physical hunger. So much overeating is caused not by hunger, but by our emotions. Eating is a common coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil, but the ramifications can be significant. Most Americans are overweight and many suffer from resultant health problems because, for them, food is therapy.

Retraining our minds and consciousness to be more present and mindful of what we crave (whether it’s the social interaction between people, knowing and feeling that we are not alone in our day to day routine, or trying to heal from a real obstacle that is causing us physical and emotional pain), we are all capable to soothe ourselves through dozens of mindful activities-that do not involve the action of eating- and that are healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

It is no wonder why popular reality television shows such as “Biggest Loser,” “Heavy,” “Obsessed,” “Extreme Makeover” and “I Used to be Fat” have become so popular in mainstream American and other developed countries. These programs speak to the fact that obesity has become an overriding cultural obsession, but some experts see them as an unhealthy influence. They fret that these shows, which place great emphasis on body image, can encourage eating disorders and other dangerous behaviors. Some participants lose as much as 30 pounds in a single week and run the risk of heart problems, bone loss, and electrolyte imbalances. Some contestants on "The Biggest Loser" have admitted to fasting or dehydrating themselves to drop weight, and at least two had to be hospitalized after they collapsed during a one-mile race. There are innumerable people who find inspiration and motivation, however, in these shows. Maybe that is a start in realizing there is hope out there and that others share the same struggles in not only body image but body impulse toward food?

How about starting from the basics again and listening to our bodies signal to our brains when nourishment is needed? That seems too elementary and frankly “un-fun” and boring to people. How do we celebrate? How will we mark this occasion of a memory or perhaps plain afternoon boredom? There is a great read by author Susan Albers who wrote 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself without Food, a collection of mindfulness skills and practices for relaxing the body in times of stress and ending your dependence on eating as a means of coping with difficult emotions. Diving into more comprehensive reasons as to why people act the way they do toward food, she helps the reader discover easy ways to soothe urges to overeat. The reader will also learn how to differentiate emotion-driven hunger from healthy hunger. This book is designed to help these people find simple, quick strategies for easing emotion-driven hunger.

The notion that people can open this book instead of the refrigerator when they feel stressed and find techniques such as simple exercise, self-distraction, meditation, self-massage, and mindful imagery that can calm feelings of hunger rooted in anxiety, not the need for nourishment, is comforting. Unlike diet books, which tell readers what to eat...

...50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food helps readers discover why they are eating and discover new ways to deal with life's ups and downs.

The book is broken into five categories: cognitive techniques, meditation techniques, body techniques, distraction techniques, and connection techniques. I especially liked how Susan addresses the mind first and how to quiet the voices that control our daily actions and emotions. Listening to the breath and your inner calm is very important as a tool for a constructive and loving self-dialogue about soothing the mind and impulses.

Below are a few techniques I found easy to do and most beneficial:

1. Practice meditating with Dr. Nancy Lin's Podcast, "Braincation" and breathe your way to inner calm. Available for free, almost anywhere podcasts are.
2. Set your inner critic straight, Talk to your anxiety, guilty consciousness, and stresses.
3. Be calm, Practice calmness, Be in the now, say no to zoning out.
4. Change your thoughts, your expectations and change your eating choices. Check out Dr. Nancy's "Breaking the Bad" book on how to shift your mindset to a winning attitude.
5. Journal daily to boost mental health immunity and monitor appetite. Dr. Nancy's 21 Day Journal is the perfect habit to start adopting.
6. Chose optimism, abundance, and happiness.
7. Practice positive and soothing affirmations, power words and statements that lift you up. Leave negative thoughts that do not.
8. Entertain your senses and take a walk outside, walk in the grass barefoot and ground yourself.
9. Practice Yoga, or Exercise and Sweat.
10. Get a Massage, Use infrared saunas, relax and Get extra sleep. Give yourself permission and time to a nap.
11. Work on challenging and fun brain puzzles and games.
12. Create a bucket list, start and complete a craft.
13. Join a social network, volunteer, connect with someone live.
14. Adopt a furry friend or just visit one at a shelter or pet store.
15. Remind yourself of healthy ways to find peace of mind. Everything is great and exactly where it should be.


Resource: Susan Albers: 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food

14 Power Foods for Fat Burning and Lean Muscle Gaining

14 Power Foods for Fat Burning and Lean Muscle Gaining

Eat these foods every week to boost up the fat burning potential of the body (increase immunity power and digestive wellness, too).

Try to limit or cut out processed foods and high "bad" and trans fat foods that are deep-fried and processed with damaging oils.

Examples of both include white pasta, packaged snacks, crackers (raw and sprouted are fine), cereals, high sugar or artificial sugar ANYTHING that does not come from mother nature (like fruit) and foods that spike and drop insulin without any other added benefits.

There is a very very long and involved list of food additives and common foods that do the opposite of burning fat, but I want this article to highlight all the foods we should be focusing on.

Please read on for some of my favorite metabolism pumping and fat burning power foods!

1. Fish Oil

Reduces inflammation (joints/skin), lower body fat and increases testosterone levels. Aim for 9000mg EPA/DHA per day. Good quality fish oil supplements are great, too.

2. Probiotics

Get both capsules for lower GI and fermented yogurt/live cultures for upper GI. Probiotics are the good bacteria that helps gastrointestinal health, immunity and fat burn.

Be cautious about sugar-laden yogurts.

Aim for 50-100 billion live cultures per serving! My favorites are and 

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Use this powerful food drizzled on foods, and do not cook with it because it will damage its beneficial properties. Instead, use extra virgin coconut oil for cooking/baking.

Extra virgin olive oil has 70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart diseases and cancer.

4. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

Flax, chia, hemp, basil, pumpkin, and all sprouted! Seeds provid

seed grain

e a vegetarian source of fiber, protein, healthy fats omega-3.

Freshly ground is the way to go and sprinkle them generously on salads, breakfast porridge, smoothies or eat them straight.

5. Dark Leafy Greens and Cruciferous Vegetables and Juices

This is the main staple in my diet and should be for everyone. These special greens are high in cancer-fighting phytochemicals and have immune boosting, free radical zapping power as well as anti-estrogenic indoles.

High in fiber, low in calories, dense in nutrients and helps with intestinal, colon, liver and gallbladder cleansing. Other examples include BokChoy, cauliflower, kale, Brussels Sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, and chard.

Go green EVERYDAY. You will notice a huge difference in how the lean muscle begins to start becoming visible!!

6. Sprouted Quinoa

Sprouting means that you soak them in a glass mason jar overnight and then cook with them/prepare them after. It allows the foods to be more bio-available and yield more absorbable protein and nutrients.

Sprouting grains and nuts is easier for digestion, as well. Quinoa is gluten-free, high in fiber and protein (than rice or oats) and is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner (sweet or salty). 

7. Filtered, Alkaline Water

The body needs good, clean and alkaline water to rehydrate the muscles and organs after daily movement and exercise. Drinking according to your activity level and region/environment helps muscle recovery, prevents dehydration and keeps the brain sharp and appetite from spiking drastically.

8. Organic Matcha Green Tea

Grown in the shade and pumped full of chlorophyll, organic matcha green tea, from Japan has 10 times the antioxidant as typical Asian green tea. It will not leave you crashing after a caffeine high, for it slowly releases the caffeine for hours and is much gentler on the body and GI system.

Studies report that matcha green tea boosts fat loss, prevents cancer and improves blood sugar and circulation.

9. Avocados

"Avocados contain glutathione, one of the most potent antioxidants and disease-fighting agents available.

Studies show that people sustain their nutrition program longer and have greater weight loss when on a diet that contains about 30 percent healthy monounsaturated fat, like those in avocados, rather than a low-fat diet.

This is because fats, when eaten in the proper balance with carbohydrates, can help to slow the release of sugars into the bloodstream, thereby triggering less insulin release. Insulin is basically the hormone that instructs the body to store energy as fat while preventing the use of stored energy, making it a dieter's nemesis if levels are too high." (Source:

10. Lecithin

Not just for hair and skin health, lecithin helps the body break down and dispose of bad LDL cholesterol and fats through the bloodstream to help prevent clogged arteries.

Because lecithin plays a role in moving fats and cholesterol out of the body, it may support liver health by preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver and fat from the body. Use as a supplement in smoothies and drinks.

11. Grapefruit

Picked ripe off the tree, grapefruit lowers insulin, regulates blood sugar and metabolism. Eat the fleshy white membranes, too! It has most of the nutrients packed in them!

12. Sprouted Almonds

High in good fats, sprouted almonds are alkaline, good for almost all types of people, has fiber, protein, helps to build muscle and reduce cravings.

13. Whey Protein or Rice Bran Amino Acids

Both reduce insulin, blood pressure, helps to repair tissues, develop and build muscle and reduces short-term food intake.

According to research done at the University of Toronto and published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition, whey protein has potential as a functional food component to contribute to the regulation of body weight by providing satiety signals that affect both short-term and long-term food intake regulation.

14. Tarragon

When people use tarragon in their daily food routine, they tend to use less salt. Sodium, though is needed in small amounts, causes people to retain water. By consuming less sodium people are making a healthier choice that will also help you avoid weight and size differences with excess fluids.

Additionally, tarragon adds more flavor without adding calories or worse, fat. When people choose to eat the healthier options, they are less likely to crave and grab unhealthy, high fat and high salt foods.


10 Amazing Benefits of Exercise and Fitness

10 Amazing Benefits of Exercise and Fitness

1. Exercise Super Charges Brainpower

Not only does exercise improve your body, it helps your mental function. Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity. All that makes for a more productive day and a happier employee which equate to better employee retention.

People who are active and who exercise are much more productive at work. Improved productivity not only makes you a better worker, it makes things better for everyone in the workplace. Companies with less wasted work hours and less sick time end up with lower health care costs--and an improved bottom line. That is why so many companies either have gyms at their offices or help to pay for employees to have gym memberships.

photo of man holding a book

2. De-stress with Exercise and Body Movement

As much as it may stress people out to think about exercising, once they actually start working out, studies show they experience less stress in every part of your life.

Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction," says Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. He says it also helps elevate your mood and keep depression at bay.

You're not the only person who will benefit from more happiness and less stress in your life. When you are less stressed, you are less irritable, and that could improve relationships with your partner, kids, and co-workers. People will feel more satisfied in their daily roles and more accomplished in their everyday tasks.

3. Exercise Provides People with Energy

You might be surprised at how, say, popping in a workout DVD for 30 minutes in the morning can change your whole day. When endorphins are released into your bloodstream during exercise, people feel much more energized the rest of the day.

And when you improve your strength and stamina, it's easier to accomplish everyday tasks like carrying groceries and climbing stairs. This also helps you feel more energetic over the course of the day.

A common excuse for people dodging regular exercise is that they are too tired to exercise. Know that while exercise may make people feel more tired at first, it does not last long, and will actually provide more energy in the long run, even immediately after you finish your exercise routine. The physical tiredness you feel after working out isn't the same as everyday fatigue. Once your body adjusts to exercise, you'll have more energy than ever.

4. Time for Fitness is Easy to Find

Take your kids to the park or ride bikes together, and you're getting physical activity while enjoying family time, he says. Beyond that, go for a hike, take the kids swimming, or play hide-and-seek, tag, softball, or horseshoes in the backyard.

Also, forget the idea that you have to trudge to the gym and spend an hour or more doing a formal workout. Instead, you can work short spurts of physical activity into your day. Movement is key. No weights are required for exercising to count. Walking one hour a day can equate to 10,000 steps, the recommended number of steps to keep your body at a good physical functioning level.

Indeed, squeezing in two or three bouts of 15 or 20 minutes of activity is just as effective as doing it all at once. Vacuuming the house in the morning, riding bikes in the park with the kids in the afternoon, taking a brisk walk in the evening or doing some gardening in the backyard, can add up to an active day.

Recent U.S. government guidelines say that to lose weight and keep it weight off, you should accumulate at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. But half an hour a day of quality exercise like interval training or anaerobic cardio is all you need to reap the health and disease-fighting benefits of exercise.

man planting plant

5. Fitness Builds Better Relationships

Think of what exercising with a partner can do for a relationship, whether it's with a spouse, a sibling, or a friend you used to go to lunch with once a week.

Not only that, exercise is always more fun when there is someone to do it with and hold you accountable. Engaging in positive actions together is good for the spirit, mind and the body. Joining a social fitness network or walking with your family or spouse, after meals, or meeting up with people at the dog park for a stroll around the puppy terrain, can help people reach their exercise and fitness goals so much more efficiently than doing it alone.

6. Exercise Helps Ward off Disease

Research has shown that exercise can slow or help prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis(boneloss), and loss of muscle mass. It also helps ease some aspects of the aging process by strengthening the blood vessels, muscles, and joints, and even boosts immune function so you have a lesser chance of coming down with the cold or flu.

In response to your muscles needing more oxygen, your body will grow more capillaries to deliver more oxygen faster going forward. In addition, over time, regular exercise will make your blood vessels become more flexible allowing them to deliver more oxygen rich blood more efficiently. And if that wasn’t enough, the increased blood flow in your blood vessels serves to clean out excess cholesterol, keeping you free of clogs which can cause strokes and heart attacks.

On a cellular level, exercise benefits the power machines, called mitochondria, in each of the cells in the body by producing energy by and combining oxygen and glucose(orother fuel molecules). This combination produces ATP which is the molecule that gives your cells the energy they need to do their cellular work. When people exercise regularly, the body creates more and stronger mitochondria in each of the cells, making them more powerful and giving them more endurance for everything in life!

7. Fitness Pumps Up The Heart

Not only does exercise help fight disease, it creates a stronger heart--the most important muscle in the body. That helps makes exercise--and the activities of daily life—feel easier.

When you train over a period of time your heart will grow in size, allowing it to pump a larger volume of blood with each stroke(orpump). This allows more oxygen to be delivered to all the cells in your body. At the same time, your heart will build up less plaque and becomes stronger and more efficient at pumping blood.

Within only a couple of days after you start exercising, the body readily adapts to the stimulus it's getting and it becomes easier. You will feel less fatigue. It will not take as much effort when it comes to breathing. You shouldn't have as much pain or soreness.

8. Exercise Lets You Eat More

You've heard this one before: pound for pound, muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat. So the more muscle you have, the higher the resting metabolic rate. And, of course, you also burn calories while you're actually exercising.

Why is metabolism boosting so great? Jump start your metabolism through exercise(especially strength training and interval work) will allow your body to burn more fat and use up more energy while existing, so that you can eat more(healthier foods are the best). Once most people begin exercising and seeing the body changes, they desire to be healthier in the eating category and opt to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and less of the processed and fatty foods. Our bodies will actually tell us what it needs in the form of cravings. So listen to the good words that your body is asking for and tap into healthier foods the body needs to fuel workouts. People who do move their bodies will be able to eat(inmoderation)  more of a variety of foods(eventhe bad kinds) than those who do not.


9. Exercise Boosts Performance

In just a short few weeks of consistent exercise, most people will begin to see differences, from how your clothes fit on the body to a more toned physique. You man even begin to notice that the same cardio exercises may become easier to complete, or that your basketball, golf, soccer or tennis game is a little bit better? Exercising consistently will strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, better your balance and reaction time; as well improve your overall performance.

When people use their muscles beyond what they can handle, either through aerobic exercise or weight bearing exercise, it causes the body to build new muscle tissue. Tiny tears can occur with weight lifting, and when these tears are repaired, this is what causes the muscle to become larger and more defined. Larger, stronger muscles will raise your metabolism making weight management easier.

10. Exercise For More Reasons Than Weight Loss

Weight loss is the reason many people exercise in the first place. But it's certainly not the sole benefit of an exercise program. The long-term goal of weight loss is not enforced enough to people new to exercise or starting fitness programs, and this is not sustainable and can be discouraging. People have trouble sticking with something if they don't see results quickly, and if they are looking for a quick fix.

Do not make losing weight your only goal when starting an exercise program or exercising in general. Strive to feel better, to have more energy, increase optimal functioning of the body, and erase the aging process, to be more grounded and to be less stressed. Notice the small things that exercise does for you, like appreciate the time you take for yourself, to feel a great sense of accomplishment every day you sweat, rather than getting hung up on the narrow goal of the number on a scale.

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

Most Alkalizing Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

When the body eats foods, the digestive and metabolic processes transforms the eaten matter into residue that is left behind that is either acidic or alkaline. Using science to explain this phenomenon (and the laws of modern biochemistry), it is not the organic matter of foods (whether the food itself is acidic or alkaline), but their inorganic matter (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorous; that is, how they break down in our bodies), that determines either the acidity or alkalinity of this ashy residue. Being too acidic promotes disease, chronic ailments, cancer and other health complications. Intentional alkalizing of the body blood and other fluids optimizes healthy organ and system functioning, free of ailments. Factors that leave our bodies acidic include environmental pollutants, acid-forming foods like processed sugars and foods, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meats and dairy, hidden genetically modified organisms (GMOs), psychological and emotional stress, synthetic and pharmaceutical drugs and physical body stress. Consider the following lists to be the nutrition bible of top alkalizing and acidic foods to eat and avoid for optimum health functioning, free of chronic disease.

Most Alkalizing (Eat Most)

Himalayan salt, grasses, cucumber, kale, spinach, parsley, sea kelp, sprouts (soy, alfalfa), sea vegetables, green drinks without sweet fruits, all sprouted beans, ph 9.5 alkaline water (less than 8 hours old).

Moderately Alkaline

Avocado, beetroot, basil, capsicum/pepper, cabbage, celery, chives, collard greens, spring greens, coriander, endive, garlic, ginger, green beans, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onion, radish, red onion, rocket/arugula, tomato, lemon, lime, butter beans, soy beans, white haricot beans, chia/sabja seeds, quinoa.

Mildly Alkaline

Artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrot, zucchini, leeks, new baby potatoes, peas, pumpkin, swede, squash (butternut/summer), watercress, grapefruit, coconut, pomegranate, rhubarb, buckwheat, lentils, tofu, goat milk, almond milk, herbs and spices (thyme, mint, ginger, cumin), avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, udo’s oil.

Neutral/Mildly Acidic (Eat Moderately)

Black beans, chickpeas, garbanzos beans, kidney beans, seitan, cantaloupe, fresh dates, nectarine, plum, sweet cherries, watermelon, millet, oats, oatmeal, spelt, soybeans, buckwheat pasta, couscous, brown rice, freshwater wild fish, rice and soy milk, rice/soy/hemp protein, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, brazil nuts, pecan nuts, hazel nuts.

Moderately Acid (Eat Less)

Fresh and natural fruit juices, ketchup, mayonnaise, butter, apple, apricot, banana, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, grapes, guava, mango, mangosteen, orange, peach, papaya, strawberry, goat’s cheese, vegan cheese, rye bread, wheat, whole meal bread, wild rice, wholemeal pasta, ocean fish.

Highly Acid (Avoid or Eat Sparingly)

Alcohol, coffee, black tea, fruit juice (sweetened), cocoa, honey, jam, jelly, mustard, miso, rice syrup, soy sauce, vinegar, yeast, dried fruit, beef, chicken, eggs, farmed fish, pork, shellfish, cheese, dairy, artificial sweeteners, syrup, mushroom. ” (Source: Energise For great website that has a lot of information on how to eat, what to eat when living an alkaline lifestyle. They have this list downloadable for free!)

Additional Explanations:

Lemons and Warm Water

I start every morning with a cup of warm alkaline water and 1 lemon, taken on an empty stomach with my probiotic and 2 colostrum capsules. Lemons (of all the non-dark leafy greens)- just like pineapple- leave a highly alkalizing residue in the body once it is digested. It is also a natural disinfectant, can heal wounds, and provides potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote detoxification (source: Natural News).

Juice and Drink Your Greens

Next I juice greens taken from the “Highly Alkaline” list. Most of these greens are dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard, celery, cucumber, parsley) with ginger and lemon. Consumed about 1 hour after the lemon water and probiotics, this will reset your system and put your body in an alkaline state.

Eat Raw or Lightly Steamed Greens 

I eat raw or lightly steamed cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or other leafy greens and eat that (2 times per day) with sea vegetables and sea weed and extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin coconut oil. I sprout quinoa and have that on the side with sauerkraut if I need additional carbohydrates.

The dark leafy greens are known for its rich vitamin K and folate content. They are packed with phytochemicals and micronutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, and powerhouses to key antioxidants that boost immunity and fiber for colon health and for optimal digestion health.

Add Garlic and Cayenne Peppers

If you are feeling a little taxed and need additional pick-me-up and immunity boosting, add garlic (it promotes cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and fighting off disease) and cayenne peppers (capsicum), a great endocrine normalizing food. It has great antibacterial properties, is rich in vitamin A and is a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals that lead to stress and illness.

5 Amazing Benefits of Basil (Sabja) Seeds

Why You Need to Add These Seeds to Your Diet!


There has been some dabble into the up and coming popular basil seeds (that resemble chia seeds), in that they may help control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes (according to the Sutter Gould Medical Foundation). Why is this so?

Basil seeds seem to help the controlling of blood sugar in test subjects, and in dieters, it has the potential to help reduce appetite and food cravings and to keep weight loss efforts on track. There are great claims that basil seed drinks help with weight loss, but lacking in sufficient research, these claims have yet to solidify just yet. In Asian countries, such as Thailand, basil seeds are made into a drink, and stores sell these drinks in cans.

The intact seeds, combined with water, sugar, honey and sometimes coconut milk, create a thick drink with a consistency similar to tapioca. The traditional recipes, however, are high in sugar. Also in Asia, it is the main ingredient in Italian cuisines.

Seeds provide concentrated nutrition and fiber. All the ingredients needed for plant germination are present in the seed, including carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fat. Many seeds provide nutrition, flavor and texture in a balanced diet, including poppy, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Studies show that it provides a wide range of health benefits, from treating nausea to indigestion, diabetes, constipation, respiratory problems and so forth. There are additional health benefits people can get from adding basil seeds into their nutrition.

1. Aids in digestion

Basil seeds are commonly used to provide relief from stomach upset. Due to its carminative effects, it is effective for treating digestive disorders such as stomach cramps, flatulence, constipation, irregular bowel movements and indigestion.

2. Treats colds

Another benefit of basil seeds is that they also provide relief from influenza, fever and cold. Since it has antispasmodic effects, it can help treat whooping cough. In fact, tulsi is the main ingredient in many expectorants and cough syrups.

3. Helps respiratory disorders

The herb is useful in helping respiratory disease, according to recent studies. A mixture of the herb, with ginger and honey is a remedy for asthma, cough, cold, influenza and bronchitis. Simply boil it in a glass of water and consume it.

4. Stress reliever

Consumption of basil seeds has an uplifting effect on your mood and thus is beneficial for relieving mental fatigue, nervous tension, melancholy, depression and migraine. Due to its calming effect, it is commonly used for aromatherapy purposes, giving you clarity and mental strength.

 5. Good for skin infections

Basil seeds are crushed into oil to help in treating infections such as wounds, cuts, bladder infections, skin infections and so forth.

There is no evidence whatsoever that basil seeds have undesirable side effects. However, you should consult your doctor before you consume them, especially if you are on medication.

Nutrition and Recipes

One canned basil seed drink sold in the United States contains 96 calories, 21 g carbohydrates, 21 g sugars and 2 g of fiber. Because of the swollen seeds and their fiber, the drink may curb hunger.

How to prepare basil seeds

Put 2 tsp. of basil seeds to 1/2 cup - 1 cup of warm water or liquid of your choice. If you want more concentrated of a flavor, drain excess water out after swelling the basil seeds with plain water. The warm water (not boiling) helps to fully swell the basil seeds, releasing antioxidants and digestive enzymes. Allow the mixture to stand for at least 2 minutes with the warm water/liquid to give the seeds time to absorb water and take on a gelatinous-tapioca like texture.


Desserts, as well as frozen, canned and fresh drinks containing basil seeds, are available in parts of Asian and at restaurants and stores in the United States. Suppliers sell basil seeds by mail for making basil seed drinks. A Thai version of a basil seed drink uses seeds from sweet basil. Other types of basil seeds include hairy basil seeds, holy basil seeds, and Thai basil seeds.


The gelatinous texture of the swollen basil seeds makes a filling drink, which could help to curb your appetite if you consume it before meals. Making your own basil seed drink with an alternative sweetener reduces the calories from sugar. Basil seeds also have the potential for creating a textured dessert, as an alternative to tapioca pudding—a treat on a calorie-restricted diet.

The most effective means of weight loss remains the basic strategy of burning off more calories than you consume. Basil seeds may help you to feel full on fewer calories. Tracking how much you eat and counting calories is the best way to stay on track. Insufficient scientific information is currently available with respect to the effect of basil seeds on weight loss.


Small children could choke on the swollen seeds. When I say choke, it is because if the seeds are not mixed with enough water, the mixture will be very clumpy. Because many people (especially children) do not chew when drinking a liquid, thick clumps or some-what-tapioca like seeds may cause a risk for swallowing. Basil seeds and basil seed drinks should be kept out of reach of children and supervised when consuming. Commercial basil seeds sold for gardening may be treated with pesticides and fungicides—these should not be used for drinks.

People with diabetes or hypoglycemia should avoid the heavily sugared traditional recipes. Alternative sweeteners, such as agave, raw stevia or a sweetener approved by your doctor provide options for creating a less sugary basil seed drink.

How to obtain basil seeds

Let the basil flower bloom, then wither and turn dry. If you look up from below, you will see tiny black seeds attached to the dry flower pods. Rembmer, wait until the flower is dried, then cut them out, put them in a plastic bag and shake it. The seeds will be nicely collected in the bag. If some of the seeds refuse to detach from the flower, it might mean that they are not fully matured.