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6 Healthy Habits That Reduce High Blood Pressure

If you are not a fan of taking pharmaceutical medication to reduce your high blood pressure, feel good knowing that there are many different easy forming habits that can be formed that have great positive effects in reducing that scary number that has been linked to dangerous heart conditions, the increase of stress hormones and body fat. High blood pressure is described by the Mayo Clinic as having a systolic pressure — the top number — of 140 or above or a diastolic pressure — the bottom number — of 90 or above).

In a nutshell, high blood pressure increases the chance of having a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, and early death.

Try to incorporate as many of the following healthy habits and watch these numbers reduce as your personal health becomes stronger. 

1. Increase Body Movement

Keep a watchful eye on your midsection. The dangerous visceral or belly fat around the midsection is extremely telling as to how healthy your overall inner organs are operating. Be in an exercise or walking routine (most days of the week).

Exercise and body movement will help the body with circulation and weight loss. Generally speaking, as the weight is lost, the blood pressure will lower. Try yoga, which is a great body and mind practice. It will keep you strong, lean and your mind at ease.  

2. Juice and Eat Your Greens

I am one of the biggest fans of green juicing (which is different from blending, in that all the fiber is extracted from the vegetables and only the phytochemicals and macronutrients are left).

Juicing provides instant antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to be absorbed into the body in 15 minutes and builds blood and bone health. It is a great detoxifier for the body and repairs each cell.

One of the best ways to lower that high blood pressure to drink 1 to 3 juices a day (kale, celery, cucumber, spinach, ginger, parsley, lemon) with your meals and have your main meals be mostly dark leafy greens (kale, broccoli, spinach, chard, mustard greens, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus). 

3. Pump Up Potassium, Slash the Salt

Potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure, so aim to eat foods that have the highest amounts of potassium (white beans, spinach, potatoes with skin, dried apricots, acorn squash, plain non-fat yogurt, wild salmon, avocados, white mushrooms, bananas and coconut water).

Also, keep tabs on the salt content, especially sodium added to packaged, processed and restaurant foods. Meats (bacon, lunch meat, hotdogs), soups, frozen dinners and potato chips have very high amounts. Limit sodium levels to 1,500 to 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day and read labels carefully.  

4.  Watch Your Alcohol, Caffeine, and Tobacco

Studies show that more than one drink a day for women and men older than age 65, or more than two a day for men age 65 and younger can raise blood pressure a few points.

Depending on your drinking lifestyle and history, alcohol risks have been shown to be higher than benefits. Keep track of your tab and limit yourself if high blood pressure is moderate to severe for you.  

Similar to alcohol, drinking caffeinated beverages and breathing in second hand or smoking tobacco products may temporarily cause a spike in blood pressure (some studies have shown).

I always like to use the rule of thumb: If it has negative side effects when using it, chances are it may affect your blood pressure negatively as well. 

5. Reduce Stress

If buying a pet fish and watching it swim to and fro does the trick (in lowering your blood pressure), do it!

Studies have shown that transcendental/Vedic and other forms of meditation, painting, and other stress-reducing hobbies have been very promising in reducing high blood pressure in both men and women of all ages.

Some people like to go to the ocean and beach and walk along the shoreline. Others like to surf or go hiking. Whatever it is you enjoy doing that has a calming and positive effect on your mental and emotional wellbeing, do it!

I cannot emphasize the importance of stress relief. Not only will your blood pressure lower, but your sleeping quality will also become better, which in turn will give you better skin glow and organ functioning, digestion, and mood. It is all positively correlated! 

6. Essential Oils 

Using certified therapeutic grade 100 % essential oils regularly is a great alternative to medications and a natural way in reducing high blood pressure that really works.

doTerra is the only certified therapeutic grade essential oils on the market today. Take 3-4 drops each of Basil Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil and Marjoram Oil in a capsule daily (until blood pressure returns to normal range). 

Also, Rub AromaTouch Oil Blend, Cypress Oil, Basil Oil and/or Marjoram Oil on bottoms of feet everyone morning and night and use Lavender Oil daily.

For questions about supplements, types of juicer, how to order essential oils or another topic relating to high blood pressure, please contact Dr. Nancy.



Sources: Prevention.com, MayoClinic, DoTerra.com, ABCnews.com, Healthaliciousness.com

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