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6 Natural and Home DIY Cough Remedies

6 Natural and Home DIY Cough Remedies 


Coughing spells caused by internal or external irritants? Though the peak of flu season has just passed, spring has sprung and pollen has begun to saturate the air in many parts of the world. While chronic coughing symptoms may not be contagious and just a lingering sign of our lungs and bronchial tubes trying desperately to heal and strengthen, over the counter and prescription cough suppressant syrups do contain dyes, chemicals and side effects. In fact, studies have demonstrated that over-the-counter cough and cold remedies for both kids and adults are actually potentially harmful and no better in addressing symptoms than homemade syrups prepared with honey. Below are several natural home, do it yourself cough and cold-fighting mixtures from some of my favorite sites.  

1. Household Dry Cough Treatment and Suppressants 

LivingThat.com suggests Dry Cough Treatment is an exercise to be practiced and done at home and without needing to consult a healthcare professional. The goal is to try to keep a cough inside the mouth and out through the nose (a skill that has to be practiced). This treatment does not irritate the throat and instigates more coughing.  

Additionally, LivingThat describes many homemade natural cough remedies that can be used as a suppressant for dry cough:  

Warm water – water is considered as an effective home remedy for dry cough. Drinking a lot of warm water can ease the cough. Also drinking a mixed honey or lemon juice in warm water three times a day can relieve dry cough.

Gargling is very effective and another effective dry cough remedies at home add some salt in to a warm water and gargle. Drinking a warm spinach juice is also very effective in relieving dry cough. Water from boiled henna leaves is also very effective in treating dry cough.

Chewing piece of ginger with salt can bring effective relief from dry cough. Chop a raw ginger into small pieces and add to a cup of water can also be helpful. Ginger works by coating the throat and reduce the irritation.

At night before going to sleep, eat at least 3 balls of pepper. Pepper is also one of the best homemade dry cough remedies.

Drink grape juice and honey- grape has natural antiseptic properties which is good for relieving dry cough, also consuming a spoon of honey before you sleep will ease the pain of dry cough.

Relief from dry cough can be obtained at home by using the natural cough remedies, but in the case of chronic dry cough, permanent dry cough remedies is needed. Consult a doctor if the dry cough remedies mentioned does not work.”

2. Good Food Matters suggests a natural remedy made from ginger, cayenne, cider vinegar, and honey.

The serving size (or dosage) will vary depending on the person. 1-2 teaspoons is average dosage.


2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (preferably Bragg's, if available)
2 tablespoons honey (locally produced raw honey is best, if available)
2 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

Place all the ingredients in a small jar and shake to combine. Leave at room temperature for a few days or place in the refrigerator for longer storage. Shake well each time, before using. The spices will not dissolve into the liquid. It will not be thick syrup, it should remain watery.

Source: Barefeetinthekitchen.com

3. This is another great option made from raw organic honey, extra virgin olive oil and lemons.


3/4 cup raw organic honey
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil (reduces inflammation in the throat)
3 lemons - juiced

Add all ingredients to a small pot over medium heat until steaming. Remove from the heat & let it cool. Place it into a mason jar or other container with a tight fitting lid. Store it in the fridge for 3 months, or on the counter top for 1.5 months. Stir & warm before using.

 Source: Mrshappyhomemaker.com

4. Best Health Mag showcases a great spin on common cough DIY syrup: Horseradish syrup

A dash of grated horseradish to a quarter cup of honey. Allow it to sit for a few hours then use as a cough syrup.

Special note: Eating large amounts of horseradish may cause stomach upset in some people.

Although you may be tempted to add essential oils to a homemade cough syrup, it’s best to stick with whole foods as ingredients. Essential oils are very concentrated and can be very hard on the liver if ingested. Instead, reap the antimicrobial benefits of essential oils by adding them to a steam inhalation. Simply boil water, add in a few drops of the essential oil of your choice, place a towel over your head and breathe deeply. This will help dilute mucus and clear the nasal passages.” 

 5. Onion, Garlic and Ginger Cough Syrup

Take 2-3 times a day, as needed to soothe sore throat and wet or congested coughs.


1-2 onions (any type)
1-3 heads of garlic (any type)
1 large hand of ginger
3-4 cups dehydrated cane juice, Rapadura, panela or coconut sap sugar
1 Quart (1 L) Mason Jar

1. Peel and slice the onion, garlic and ginger as thinly as you can.
2. On the bottom of the Mason jar, layer slices of onion, garlic and ginger about an inch thick.
3. Pour dehydrated cane juice over the onion mixture until you can’t see it anymore from the top, making another layer about an inch deep.
4. Add another inch-thick layer of onions, garlic and ginger slices, then pour in the cane juice to cover. Repeat this process, making an onion and sugar “parfait” until the jar is almost full.
5. Top off with a bit more cane juice and close the lid tightly.
6. In one hour, the sugar will be soft. In two, you will start to see liquid forming in the bottom of the jar. In three hours, you will see the syrup forming, and in four hours, the syrup will be complete.
7. Don’t remove the onions, garlic and ginger from the syrup. Just press the mixture back with the spoon when you administer the syrup. Keeps for 6 months to a year unrefrigerated.

6. Thyme Oil Vapor Steam

This simple, time-tested remedy for clogged noses and congested lungs is also antibacterial.


1 large bowl full of fresh water. (Avoid chlorinated tap water if you can.)
10-30 drops thyme essential oil, to suit.

1. Boil the water till steaming, then fill the bowl with it.
2. Add the thyme oil, starting with 10 drops.
3. Cover your head with a towel and hold your face over the bowl, allowing the towel to form a steam tent around your head.
4. Inhale and breathe deeply and calmly. If the scent of thyme is not strong enough to make a difference to your sinuses add another 5-10 drops, as needed.

Source: Smallfootprintfamily.com

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