We are each made up of trillions of cells. These cells combine to form tissues, and those tissues combine to form organs. In order for these organs and organ systems to function optimally, food chemists figured out that specific vitamins that protect these cells from oxidative stress (which can lead to disease and illness) were found in antioxidants. Think of antioxidants as your body's army against free radicals and toxins. When an antioxidant encounter a free radical, it annihilates it, protecting the other cells, tissues, and organs. What are the top foods that contain this amazing antioxidant power? Read below for the super list.
Top healing and immunity boosting antioxidants: Vitamin C and E, CoQ10, Lipoic Acid, Glutathione, Flavonoids (antioxidants that come from plants), Carotenoids, and Selenium.
(picked ripe off of tree, in season)
broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale
phytochemicals rich- collard greens, mustard greens, Swiss chard, all cruciferous vegetables, beet greens, watercress
1-3 servings per week
Antioxidants not only keep disease and organ troubles at bay, they help the brain to function more clearly, keeps our heart pumping strong, our vision sharp, slows our aging process down, detoxifies our body and blood, is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and fights chronic fatigue. Get eating!!!