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Essential Oils For Addictions 

Essential Oils For Addictions


Addictions (as defined by ASAM) is a "primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations." When normal everyday functioning is disturbed because of extreme and harmful need/craving to engage in activities, then an addiction problem may exist.

Here is a list of great essential oils that may help in soothing and relaxing a busy mind. Perhaps behavioral changes cultivated by re-thinking the way we do mix in with a more peaceful atmosphere will help alleviate addictive tendencies and obsessive or addictive thought associated with addictive personalities.

✱ Lavender oil

This is sometimes referred to as the oil of peace because of its ability to help people become calm and relaxed. This is a good choice for people who want to get in the mood for sleep or just want to unwind at the end of a busy day.

Put in a diffuser or rub on spine and bottoms of the feet.

✱ Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is another essential oil that is believed to be good for relaxation.

✱ Lemon oil

Lemon oil is believed to enhance mood and make people feel like they have more energy. There is also some evidence to suggest that it can help people deal better with stress. Place in a diffuser or put a few drops in 8 oz glass of water.

✱ Peppermint oil

This oil is said to be good for helping people deal with minor body discomforts such as mild headaches. It is also good for relieving nausea – this can be a problem for people going through withdrawals.


The smell of Sandalwood is commonly found in Buddhist and Hindu temples where it is used in incense. It can be good for putting people in the mood for contemplation. Calming and grounding.

✱ Bergamot oil

Bergamot oil is believed to help alleviate mild symptoms of depression. It lifts moods and creates light and happy atmosphere.

✱ Eucalyptus oil

eucalyptus is good for opening up the airways and it can make people feel like they have more energy.

✱ Chamomile oil

Chamomile oil is another essential oil that is good for promoting relaxation and sleep. Another grounding and calming oil.

✱ Clary Sage

Clary Sage is said to be good for reducing levels of anxiety and promoting sleep. This is also a great mood regulator.

✱ Dill oil

Dill oil is said to help people deal with feelings of being overwhelmed, and it is also good for general relaxation.

✱ Ginger oil

is said to be a mild stimulant. This means that it may lift mood and increase mental clarity.

✱ Jasmine

Jasmine is said to lift the mood and can be used as a mild antidepressant. One of the highest frequency oils.

✱ Pine

Pine is also said to act as a stimulant that can lift the mood.

✱ Rosemary

Rosemary can have mild antidepressant qualities.

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