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Living with Lupus: Ways Healthy Lifestyle Changes Can Help

Living with Lupus: Ways Healthy Lifestyle Changes Can Help 


People who are living with Lupus are often on some type of medication to control debilitating symptoms related to Lupus. Lupus is a very hard autoimmune disease to live with, where antibodies mistake the body’s own tissues as a foreign pathogen, or enemy and begin fighting and attacking. This one sided battle causes adverse affects on the heart, skin, kidneys, lungs, joints, muscles, eyes, nervous system, intestines, and blood. It causes inflammation and chronic pain in the body, joints and muscles. It can also cause sun sensitivity, skin problems, weight loss, hair loss, and digestive problems. As Lupus gains popularity in awareness, people who are diagnosed are often pushed and educated in a way that medication is the only way to combat the pain, discomfort and flare-ups. There are many holistic and daily living practices people with Lupus can integrate into their lives that prove to be a positive, zero side effect method to easing many symptoms.  

Recommended Foods for People Living with Lupus 

✧ Organic foods

Helps reduce the exposure to toxins or pesticides in non-organic foods. 

✧ Raw vegetables

Especially dark leafy greens – Will promote an alkaline body, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. 

✧ Wild-caught fish

Omega-3s help reduce inflammation and pain. 

✧ Garlic, onions, asparagus, turmeric

Include these high sulfur foods to help repair possible damage to the joints. 

✧ Bone Broth

This Eastern approach to wellness is popular for a reason: Bone broth is shown to reduce autoimmune and inflammatory symptoms that can be associated with lupus. It is extremely nourishing to the body, easy to digest and filled with B12, Calcium, will boost your immunity, decrease inflammation and raise energy levels. Consume 8 to 16 ounces of bone broth daily as a beverage or as part of a soup. 

 ✧  Lemon/Lime Juice

Even squeezing drops of lemon or lime juice and drinking it in warm water will help decrease inflammation in the body. This is because the lemon and lime brings the acidity and body PH down to more alkaline. Very PH balancing. 

Foods that Augment Lupus Symptoms 

 ✧ Gluten

The protein gluten which is found in most grains can increase inflammation and may trigger a lupus flare-up. I will also throw in Wheat and other processed grains. 

 ✧ Trans fats

Pretty much deep fried anything. These fats increase inflammation and may lead to more pain. 

 ✧ Sugar-and Processed Foods in General

Will overstimulate the immune system and increase pain. 

 ✧ Salt

Since lupus can damage the kidneys, it is best to try to keep them healthy by avoiding too much sodium. I will group in fast food in here, too. 

 ✧ Alcohol/ Caffeine

Increases inflammation, pain, and causes dehydration. 


Top 5 Natural Lupus Treatments 

 #1 Fish oil (2,000mg daily) 

The EPA/DHA in fish oil are critical for reducing inflammation, get a high potency type. (Flax, Hemp oils are also recommended) 

 #2 DHEA (200 mg daily) 

Can help improve symptoms, but best taken with medical supervision. Life Extensions has a great DHEA product. 

 #3 Vitamin D3 (2000-5000 IU daily) 

Vitamin D can help modulate the immune system. 

 #4 MSM (2000-8000 mg daily) 

A natural anti-inflammatory that can greatly improve symptoms. 

 #5 Green super-food supplement 

Make sure it includes chlorella or spirulina. I love Green Vibrance brand. This works by alkalizing the body and providing healing nutrients. 

Nature's Plants: Natural and Wonderful

 ✧  Frankincense

Frankincense (a POWER house) plant is known for its essential oils they yield. Apply to the bottom of your feet to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.
Many people believe that taking one to two drops in a Veggie capsule boosts cellular function.
After a day of outdoor activity or regular work, massage Frankincense into hands and feet for a warming and soothing effect.

 ✧  Helichrysum oil

Helichrysum oil is a great essential oil! It helps to promote vitality and energy.
Massage into temples, neck or spine for soothing sensation.

 ✧  Lavender and Geranium

Lavender and Geranium essential oils work well too.
❍ Lavender is great to help ease feelings of tension and stress. May help reduce anxious feelings and freshen work and living spaces.
❍ Geranium is a very soothing oil as well that helps calm and ground anxiety.

Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes

I suggest also, live 15, 30- or 50 billion count probiotics to be taken daily. and take a high grade stomach enzyme with food. Magnesium is also great to take daily with food.

Yoga, Meditation, Guided Imagery, Deep Breathing and anything that makes the stress melt away......and includes body movement is beneficial to keep anxiety and inflammation low.


Sources: Dr. Axe, Shape.com, Naturally Proven.com

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