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Power House Super Greens Better Than Kale

Power House Super Greens Better Than Kale


I think we can all agree that kale's popularity in the limelight has some of the other super green vegetables a little jealous, especially because not everyone knows just how beneficial they are. Some people's digestive system cannot handle the coarseness of the hearty kale plant (even when it is cooked) because of of the sulfur the digestive process stirs up during digestion. Below are super greens that are overlooked that yield significant positive nutritional health benefits (other than our trusty kale) and the highest nutrient per calorie score.

1. Collard and Mustard Greens

Great for reducing cholesterol, high in fiber

2. Romaine Lettuce

High in folate (battling depression and birth defects) and Vitamin B (energy and sexual energy)

3. Parsley

High in Vitamin K (blood and bone builder), aids in digestion and helps control appetite

4. Lettuce

Vitamin K, water and fiber

5. Chicory

High in antioxidants and polyphenols. Prevents chronic diseases.

6. Spinach

High in vitamin K (blood and bone builder). Appetite suppressant.

7. Beet Greens

Detoxifying, aids in cardiovascular health

8. Chard

High in antioxidants and anthocyanins. Anti-inflammatory

9. Chinese cabbage and Bok Choy

High in calcium and iron.

10. Watercress

High in Vitamin K and Beta Carotene

(Chive, Endive, and Turnip Greens are runner-ups!)



So as the flu season is still going strong and the holidays try to cut our immune system down, keep these powerhouses available in your dietary reach and use them/eat them often. Enjoy!


Sources: CDC.gov, cosmopolitan.com, yahoo.com

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