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The Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency

The Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency


If you’re not taking eight times the amount of daily-recommended vitamin D, you’re maybe part of a serious pandemic.

New research confirms that 45% of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency and suggests that 5,000 IU should be the daily-recommended amount!

Most people don’t understand the risks of vitamin D deficiency, but once you do vitamin D will be the one supplement you don’t want to go without.

Why Are We Deficient in Vitamin D?

If 45% of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency, why isn’t it talked about more?

For starters, most people don’t know the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency so they don’t ask their doctor to test for it. Knowing what symptoms to look for is the first step in preventing vitamin D deficiency.

So what exactly should you look for?

Here are the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency:

☛ You are sick or get infections often
☛ You experience chronic fatigue and tiredness
☛ You have bone and back pain
☛ You have chronic feelings of sadness or depression

☛ You notice consistent slow healing after wounds/surgery☛ You have significant bone loss over time☛ You notice on-going hair loss
☛ You have muscle pain (not from exercising or new activity)

These symptoms are more common if you have certain risk factors, all of which make vitamin D deficiency a potential health concern.

Common risk factors for Vitamin D deficiency:

☛ Having dark skin
☛ Being elderly

☛ Being overweight or obese
• Not eating much fish or milk
• Living far from the equator where there is little sun year-round
• Always using sunscreen when going out
• Staying indoors


Where to Get the Right Amounts of Vitamin D

While many processed foods like breakfast cereal, orange juice, yogurt, cheese, milk and soy beverages are often fortified with vitamin D, many of them cause inflammation and shouldn’t be over consumed.

Even if you eat a healthy diet with vitamin D rich foods like Salmon, Tuna, egg yolks and mushrooms, it’s next to impossible to get enough vitamin D from food alone. This is why everyone should be taking a vitamin D supplement.

Many doctors are aware of this, which is why they immediately suggest a vitamin D supplement when they suspect patients are low, instead of addressing it through diet. Simply adding a daily 5,000 IU vitamin D supplement is easy and will make vitamin D deficiency one less health concern you have to worry about!

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