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The Thyroid Network and How to Keep It Healthy

The Thyroid Network and How to Keep It Healthy


We hear about how we should keep our thyroids in check and about thyroid disorders, but do you know what the thyroid is responsible for and how to optimize the gland, so you can feel your best? Here is a fast read on exactly what the thyroid is responsible for and what factors can cause it to fluctuate. I will also touch on ways to take care of your thyroids. Happy learning!

First thing's first: What is the Thyroid?

First, understand that it's actually a three-part network working synergistically together. I like to call it the Thyroid Network which involves three parts:

❶ Hypothalamus

Regulates hunger, thirst, sleep and body temperature as well as directs the production of hormones-monitors hormone levels in the blood

❷ Pituitary

Regulates growth, reproduction, lactation and stress. Is signaled by the hypothalamus when hormone levels get too low to send TRH- thyrotropin-releasing hormone to Pituitary Gland which then releases thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH

❸ Thyroid

When functions are optimal, mood, memory and focus will be on point. You will feel energized, optimistic and vital. When it is taxed or off balanced, you will feel lethargic, mood can drop and organs muddled. When you have not enough thyroid hormone pumping through each cell, too little, hypothyroidism could form. Brain is foggy, weight may begin to plummet toward one direction (weight gain) and sexual desire is of kilter may be a result. Anxiety, frequent bowel movements and weakness in muscles could be a result of too much thyroid hormones, or hyperthyroidism. Weight loss is a common side effect.

What could temporarily change the hormone balance of the body?

⇨ Pregnancy
⇨ Childbirth
⇨ Menopause
⇨ Andropause
⇨ Fighting an illness/chronic illness
⇨ Chronic stress
⇨ Chronic digestive disorders
⇨ Insomnia
⇨ Possible Imbalance Factors
⇨ Eating foods that the body finds intolerable
⇨ Lack of nutrients that support thyroid
⇨ Too much stress
⇨ Sleep deprivation
⇨ Chronic infections
⇨ Autoimmune conditions (ex. Hashimoto’s Disease, Graves’ Disease)
⇨ Environmental exposure to toxins

Ways to Boost Your Thyroid

⇨ Iodine and Plant Protein: Sea Vegetables, Sea Kelp, Seaweed, Arame, Hiziki, Kombu, and Wakame, Organic Strawberries, Cranberries
⇨ Iron, Selenium and Zinc: Spinach, Wheat Germ, Mushrooms, Seeds, Dark Leafy Greens, Beans,
⇨ Omega-3 Fats: Flaxseed oil, Salmon, Sardines
⇨ Vitamin A: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Pumpkin, Mangoes and Apricots
⇨ Vitamin B and Vitamin D: Dark Leafy Greens, Broccoli, Beets, Mushrooms, Sardines, Papaya, Cantaloupe

Foods to Avoid- Foods that Cause Inflammation in the Body

⇨ Gluten
⇨ Dairy
⇨ Animal Meats and By-Products
⇨ Grains/nightshade foods (Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Eggplant, Potatoes, Goji Berries, Tobacco, Peppers (bell peppers, chili peppers, paprika, tamales, tomatillos, pimentos, cayenne
⇨ Alcohol
⇨ Legumes & Nuts
⇨ Soy Products
⇨ Eggs

How to Optimize Your Thyroid

⇨ Get your thyroid checked…..know your numbers and how it is operating
⇨ Make sure you consume as much organic/plant-based foods as possible.
⇨ Clean your indoor air with a HEPA filter
⇨ Drink filtered/alkaline water
⇨ Remove Mercury Dental Amalgams (visit your local holistic dentist)
⇨ Consume an anti-inflammatory diet
⇨ Practice meditation
⇨ Move your body and do more yoga
⇨ Get quality sleep
⇨ Get outside and get some sun/natural light to set your circadian rhythm straight
⇨ Avoid screens/iPad/computers late at night
⇨ Practice mindfulness and gratitude journaling

For additional information or if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at dr.Nancy@truthNhealth.com

Sources: On  Health.com, Lifetime Experience Magazine Oct 2017

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