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Why the Mind Matters Most

Why the Mind Matters Most

Our lives are formed with the thoughts that we think. Life is a reflection of each thought, and with each thought (conscious, unconscious or subconscious), the physical structure of our brain changes.

It actually does. The brain expands, grows, new neurological pathways are being created, synapse is firing and hormones (oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins) begin pour in.

May it be thoughts of abundance or lack, poverty, wealth, safety, danger, bliss, trauma, love or hate, our thoughts form our feelings (expressed in life as what we experience), which then form our experience, and then turn into our beliefs.

The more thoughts about our experience, the stronger our feelings and the more we believe it to be true.

Beliefs are thoughts that we repeatedly think. If we can champion ourselves to think better thoughts (ones that lift us up and empower us, and serve us), then we can change our feelings and thus change our experiences for the better.

How to be happy” seems to be a common topic among the many stages of human these days, from children to adults.  We should be aware and mindful to use our minds to form thoughts that will form into the life we choose and aspire to lead.

Mind matters most, even beyond the physical actions we choose to take daily, because all the “to do’s”, “to be’s”, “to have's”, and “have to’s”, will become clear, and fruition organically from within us, instead of outside influences.

If we are to hold our thoughts steadily fast and unwaveringly certain, the path that leads to our desires will be an easy flowing downstream river. Then the attitude shift becomes “get to”. We “get to” use our thoughts to shape our idea of the world and hold that space with confidence and freedom.

Our mind is a powerful generator of our thoughts.

The most powerful generator of our bodies.

Using it as a resource to shape the life we so deeply desire and choose. We are simply artists using our minds as the canvas to draw, paint, color and shade in the masterpiece of our beautiful every days.

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